Antediluvian as Feck

Kids used to sometimes go to elementary school with a rifle, to hunt with it on the way home... would I (or anyone) want that now? Of course not——not with today's kids.
One sometimes leads to the other.I personally think I’d prefer to be cancelled on social media than be lynched.
There can be improvements despite a social decline. There is a unusually apt quote from John Carmack that [when abridged] strangely fits the point pretty well:
"...anything an extremely clever graphics programmer can do at one point can be replicated by a merely competent programmer some number of years later."
I'd say that this principle applies to a great many disparate things in our societies; not just PC hardware designs.
People standing on the backs of giants, as was often said; only they are each getting shorter.
I didn't know that was up for argument; it's not self evident?...and then I thought, "Wait, what does social decline actually mean?". I looked it up, and initially got multiple variations of "to politely say no"—that couldn't be right.Is that really evidence of social decline?
Uhm, no? Like don't get me wrong. Mob mentality sucks. I know what you're talking about. But honestly ... Giz. Look up how Homosexuality was treated during the 1950s and tell me it was "better" or comparable. Or let us not even talk about the openly displayed racism and sexism that was completely normal for most people back then. We have improved a lot here.And you don't compare or equate this with treatment on modern social media?
We're living in a time where you never had more ways to express your self or actually voice your opinion on things. Particularly in public. Yes. Even with the social-media rage mob. Which is shit and I find very disturbing. No doubts about it. But it really is not comparable.It is (still) a majority outrage, and enacted backlash, and people are equally maimed both mentally, socially, and even physically by it; directly, indirectly, or self-inflicted.
... have now black neighbours living there without issues for example.
If that is not social and cultural improvement than I honestly don't know what is.
You sit behind a socially invulnerable topic, where any disputing argument whatsoever, is seen as lies, further proof of the need for progress—and the assumed idiocy of the arguer against.
... And yet I live where you've described, and there are many points that are not entirely as you claim.
But to recount even a single memory as example is to become a pariah.
Only if you have a reading comprehension issue because no one made that argument.Of course we have people in here saying that trading slightly racist fun with mean spirited racism along with silly shit like birthing people and MAP acceptance is an improvement.
Boy you would have a blast with MrgirlOf course we have people in here saying that trading slightly racist fun with mean spirited racism along with silly shit like birthing people and MAP acceptance is an improvement.