Recent content by BoBKiD

  1. B

    Fallout LARP in Russia and lupins

    Don't forget that all those costumes were built/created by them, using anything they could afford, money or materials. I think they did a h3ll of a great job! Congrats to them! :D
  2. B

    Fallout 3 Downloadable Content pack details

    I saw this "DLC" pack a few days ago at and it's already on preorder status. Cant's say we didn't see this coming. After all, this IS Bethesda.
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    Wasteland 2: Post-Apocalyptic Airsoft Scenario

    Hello everyone! As many of you remember, on 26th October 2008, the Wasteland 2 post-apocalyptic airsoft scenario game took place in Athens, Greece. The game was a great success, with over 80 participants and now you can finally get a taste of it by watching the video trailer on YouTube or...
  4. B

    Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage Launched

    Nice... ...but in Greece (and many other countries), Windows Live is not available. Does that mean we won't get our hands on the expansion? Nice going Bethesda...
  5. B

    Fallout 3 1.1 patch for PC and Xbox 360, plus Anchorage date

    I installed the 1.1 patch and the game crashed on the Bethesda logo screen! Thinking it was only a 'minor' bug, I started the game. After 10 mins, the game froze... Nicely done Bethesda! :evil:
  6. B

    for those that do follow... its Dec 24th...

    Merry Xmas to everyone! My best wishes for happiness and health!
  7. B

    8 reasons Fallout 3 will blow you away

    I hope there is an option to turn those ridiculous time-wasting animations off.
  8. B

    No DLC on PS3 for Fo3

    I am a PS3 owner but I was going to get it for the PC anyway. I don't care about DLC if it is like Oblivion (9$ for 10min content) but I do care about modding/editing tools.
  9. B

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    But in the good ol' days, "bloody mess" was a trait. For me, there is no reason to get this "perk". You only get 20 perks during the game so by getting this one you'll be wasting a precious (?) perk slot.
  10. B

    Fallout 3 Full E3 Trailer

    It's a secret "get-the-collector's-edition" message...
  11. B

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    The more game footage I watch, the more I don't like it. I had a small hope... a very tiny piece of hope that this would be good. But nope! That hope went down the drain. If it's not based on GURPS, then it's not Fallout. Period.