Recent content by Chris Parks

  1. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    They are getting there. I hear quantum apprentice has been tidying code and bug hunting.
  2. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    The locations in the opening thread will be included. Many many years ago when I first resurrected the mod, there were plans for two more areas that I mentioned above. However they were no more than a few lines of text explaining what they'd roughly be. They also had only loose tie ins with the...
  3. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Time to start planning for the MR restoration project then? Hadding city and heavenly haven await!
  4. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Work on the mod continues apace. The team are just not so prolific when it comes to PR.
  5. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    I will share more when released. At some point I'll drag the old PC out of storage and rip the old files. There's lots of old maps which were slowly replaced by pixote and each tell an interesting story.
  6. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Ok, here goes with a few thoughts. Obviously this is written from my perspective so I'll include a little backstory to put things into context. With the TC not been released there's a lot i cannot share at this time without ruining aspects of the game so I will reserve that for a time if it...
  7. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    I'm sure I could put something together before I pass if people were interested. It's been quite the journey.
  8. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Thanks for the kind words. Life is pretty terrible currently. Never say never I suppose...
  9. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    I concur, if you know C/C++ then you'll manage with fallout. I lost all my tools when i had to reinstall my OS. Got a lovely little popup oncfe completed with a list of all "non microsoft programs that windows wiped during installation" After that I lost the will to start again.
  10. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    You know, after taking time away to help my mum with her cancer battle and deal with some issues of my own, I fully expected to return and push this over thr edge. I did not expect to ve told it was no longer my project and I couldn't take back the helm. Been told I could stay as a tester...
  11. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    I had no coding knowledge prior to fallout scripting. I only learnt as I wanted to make some small mods. If you've played fallout and know what all the characters do etc... then looking up their script and seeing how it works under the hood as it were makes it quick to pickup. There's enough...
  12. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Scripting is the stuff that makes the game tick. When you click to talk to a npc, the engine calls ghe script attached to that character and you have to code in the reactions, the dialogue tree, how each line of dialogue links to another. Etc.... Maps have scripts as well which can control...
  13. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Progress ground to a halt once I'd gone. Shame to see it all go to the wasteland.
  14. Chris Parks

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    Nothing about the demo remains in the current mod as far as I remember. :D
  15. Chris Parks

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I'm impressed! Those blend in really well with the original arts. :-)