Recent content by Id

  1. I

    Favorite weapon(s)

    Just as a heads-up, the .223 Pistol is in the original Fallout (it's a unique weapon gained from a certain quest). It also has a much better sound in the original Fallout, in my opinion.
  2. I

    fallout case mod

    Huh. That is my exact computer case. Love the thing, too, it's a great piece. Gets my recommendation.
  3. I

    Favorite weapon(s)

    You know, I have never liked using the Bozar. I think it's because the description of the weapon says it is the "ultimate refinement of the sniper's art", AND the thing looks like an absolutely sick sniper rifle... yet is confined to burst mode. The initial disappointment still hasn't worn off...
  4. I

    Favorite weapon(s)

    In both Fallout games, I don't think there's anything quite as beautiful as the Super Sledgehammer. Heck, it's fun to just use a plain Sledgehammer up until that point. However, there are just times when you need to put a little lead in the air, so I keep a .44 Magnum with the speed loader on...
  5. I

    Thinking about a FO speed run; looking for feedback.

    If you want to watch my Fallout 2 speed run you can find it here (you'll need DivX):
  6. I

    Thinking about a FO speed run; looking for feedback.

    Lately I've been thinking about going back and recording a speed run for the original Fallout similar to the one I did for FO2. I spent a good while studying this in the month following that, and I pretty much came to the conclusion that doing it in the same manner (without saves) is pretty much...
  7. I

    Pete Hines Talks to IGN

    I know; I'm anxious too about what they're going to do to the franchise. I just think it's pretty ridiculous to flip the hell out like some people have done over the ONE detail we know about it that isn't even fully confirmed. The absolute only thing we MIGHT know about the game and people...
  8. I

    Pete Hines Talks to IGN

    Wow, I have to say I'm pretty surprised by some of the reactions I've read over the past couple days on these forums. I know I am one of the biggest fans of this series in the world. I've put thousands of hours into the first two games alone, which lead to me eventually start speed running...
  9. I

    Fo2 speed run

    OK, so that means moving in 4-day increments. I'm sure it's right there in the code you showed me... but every time I look at code like that my eyes just kind of glaze over... :? Also, what's funny is that Fallout's world map does not suffer from the same bug that Fallout 2's does; it goes...
  10. I

    Fo2 speed run

    Oh, and Per: Do you think you could find for me the exact amount of game time needed for each restock check to be made? It will come in very handy when I update this run later. It would be much appreciated. :)
  11. I

    Fo2 speed run

    Hmm... I will have to remember that. I am planning on recording one more speed run along this route, just to eradicate some of the blatant goofs I made (like the enemy scripts totally screwing me in the Temple of Trials, or the bad random encounter with the Fire Gecokos). As for your...
  12. I

    Fo2 speed run

    As far as I can tell, though, what they update with is a function of the time spent. If I enter San Francisco immediately, he never has nearly as many items as if I enter at a delayed point. That was my experience, over the hundred or so times I was doing this run. I will look at it more, but in...
  13. I

    Fo2 speed run

    Hmm... I have not seen this before. You can see that we have similar ideas; we obviously came to the same conclusion about setting up the tanker. I don't think there is any faster way to set the tanker up for the trip to the Enclave. However, his concept only makes sense to one who is willing to...
  14. I

    Fo2 speed run

    Hi everyone! :D Glad to see people enjoying the run. I just got my account here working, so I figured I'd drop by and answer a few questions: First off, the dialogue is normal, I just memorized the dialogue choices that I needed to make beforehand. That way I minimized the time spent...