Recent content by jupiter2

  1. J

    Protector Casdin turns hostile

    Hello,i have a problem with protector Casdin who turns hostile since 18 h00. I dont understant,i went and traded with him several times without any matter. And now he his hostile i am sure i never attacked him or his men in the whole wasteland. I dont wanna loose quests and would like...
  2. J

    Since i played fallout and baldur'sgate ,most of gamesboreme

    Hello,before buying a laptop i was a console player,playing games like vagrant story,metal gear series,devil may cry,silent hill... And then i got a laptop.(weak one,with 1,8ghz monocore processor. The best games i ever played on it were fallout and baldur.Sincethis time, i play games but...
  3. J

    Fallout: A Post-Nuclear War role-playing game bugs

    I did read the fact that he was note supposed to stay alive,but i was wondering if it would be hard to add scripts so as you can save . Thanks for restoring the missed endings if you do this i will really thank you.
  4. J

    Fallout: A Post-Nuclear War role-playing game bugs

    Quite obvious bugs but they are quite boring:you cannot save Nicole and followers of apoacalypse in The boneyard. Always in the boneyard:if you manage to give the holodisk to the mayor and manage to save him,after the fight ,he says nothing and may also become hostile. The hub:You cannot...
  5. J

    The Mayor of the Cemetery

    Well i try to contact as many fallout fans as possible about this,especially for the ub ending with Harold and the good ending of the boneyard,unfortunately it seems that fallout scripts frighten everybody.
  6. J

    The Mayor of the Cemetery

    Using your method,if you talk to the mayor after the battle,does he say something?
  7. J

    The Mayor of the Cemetery

    Hello,do you remember the city of the Cemetery in fallout 1? In this city there is a mayor who follows the orders of the regulators. If you give him the holodisk that proves that his son was killed by Regulators,he becomes angry and a regulator shots him. There is something wrong with...
  8. J

    Some ideas that haunt me about fallout 1

    So there is little hope to have the possibility to get good endings for nicole sanctuary and for the hubs? Even if it is corrected ,it seems to mean that the playe has to rush to go in those two places to do all what he wwants to do and then never come back there right?
  9. J

    A Change in Story during Development of FO1

    I prefer the actual ending,maybe because i like perfect happy ends.
  10. J

    Some ideas that haunt me about fallout 1

    I do know that fallout 1 scripting is something that frightens every modders However some ideas haunt my spirit about this first episode,which is for me the best of the serie. Something about endings.I often do talk about that because i find it very dissapointing to finish the game without...
  11. J

    a very hard question about fallout 1

    I did read this faq plenty of times but wondered if stopping attacks of the master in game could affect in any way the ends(it would be quite logic)
  12. J

    a very hard question about fallout 1

    Hello,as you all know,the way to get endings in fallout 1i is quite silly. Indeed ,if you enter in nekropolis or hubs after day 140,or in sanctuary of chaos after day 90,these places will be destroyed by mutants. However, i have a question about a rumor i heard. If i kill the master...
  13. J

    Maybe a new bug is discovered for fallout2 +killaps patch

    I know that,what i mean is that being a salvatore member,mad men of other families were not agressive with me and i was quite surprised. Maybe it is an effect of the pacth,before when i was member of a family,gangsters of other families attacked me at sight if i went to close(men with tommy...
  14. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Killaps,as you have not finished yet the pacth i wanted to sublit you some little suggestion about "illogical things i noticed in the game" First,id like to know if there was a supposed end for klamath,i always found too bad that there is no end about this city. The fight between Lara...
  15. J

    Maybe a new bug is discovered for fallout2 +killaps patch

    Actually i tried with and without,their reaction is different indeed,but they stay not agressive. In fact,only the boss becomes agressive(bishop)if i talk to him being a salvatore. I found a way to make no collateral damages, i kill alone all the gangsters and i avoid shooting...