Recent content by Kyoto

  1. Kyoto

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I still am somewhat, got into cod zombies in november
  2. Kyoto

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I started playing fallout 2 in 2022, the aesthetics were wonderful, i like the californian bushes and vegetation a lot. Although gameplay was too much out of my preferences. And I'm multi, fps, third personbs, RTS, Turn Based strat, RPGS, Visual Novels, Racing games, Fighter jets etc, stealth...
  3. Kyoto

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My uncle tried to get me to play fallout 3 in 2010. I was a scaredy cat in regards to things like Cod Zombies, so even ghouls pushed me out of it. But eventually I came round to fallout, if not late, 2014 fallout 4, atrocious f76 demo or beta, it also ran so poorly, then years of trying to get...
  4. Kyoto

    actual 1960s post-nuclear apocalpyse sim?

    So while some games do heavily lean into the 50s/60s vibes, and originals feel more generically post-apoc. Are there any actual games or movies that simulate post-nuclear apocaplyse in the 1960s setting, genuinely. Without syfy robots or mutants or power armor. But an actual attempt at the setting?
  5. Kyoto

    3d Fallout 1 & 2?

    I've been playing Fallout 2, and I honestly like the environment so much more than any of the 3d games, even just at the begining, the vegegation is refreshing and feels like an overgrown wilderness. But the lack of physical control is disappointing. So 3d in the "Bethesda" sense. But...
  6. Kyoto

    3d Fallout 1 & 2?

    If modders or a dev created such versions, would you support such a project?
  7. Kyoto

    Fallout Universe on the cusp of industrialization?

    That's not to mention the nerfed nukes, kinda destroys a major part of the whole theme.
  8. Kyoto

    Fallout Universe on the cusp of industrialization?

    "Just look at the progress of cultural shift from the period (in our real world) of the 50's through the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's each decade became thematically VERY different to the previous." There is a reason you chose 60s/70s/80s onwards, because that is when American culture diverged...
  9. Kyoto

    Fallout Universe on the cusp of industrialization?

    In the Divide, nukes are literally used for clearing rubble. No idea how radiation didn't do anything.
  10. Kyoto

    Lack of "modern" weapons & armour

    Something like this would work, cold war origin and still effective. Also, New Vegas has a stupid world war 2 plane, which is totally out of place, when they could've used a C5 or Globemaster.
  11. Kyoto

    Lack of "modern" weapons & armour

    The value of parceling things out, rather than releasing in whole is underrated. Imagine how much better a laser pistol would work without any skill needed to use it's full potential and skipping the immaturity of "legendary weapons" with double bullets or kneecapping effects. It's about time...
  12. Kyoto

    Lack of "modern" weapons & armour

    At least with using dmg, it causes things to go in the direction of bullet sponges, like nv. Where the Legion should be over instantly. Whereas in an isometric format, accuracy would be less annoying.
  13. Kyoto

    Fallout Universe on the cusp of industrialization?

    Learn from Deus Ex 1, it portrayed the future as relatively similar and normal to the status quo. So Pre-War fallout would just be 1950s style cold war aesthetics plus 2000s onwards tech with more focus on nukes.
  14. Kyoto

    Lack of "modern" weapons & armour

    I've read that the fallout laser weapons are more similar to actual plasma weapons, is that true? Also, I wouldn't mind the weapon skill being about accuracy rather than weapon damage. So in the case of energy weapons, that would be quite the issue. But if the E-weapons/ammo was rarer that would...
  15. Kyoto

    Fascists in Fallout

    Fallout does the thing where it wants to reconstruct definitions and make things wishy washy. Despite Pre-War America being rather similar to the mid-20th Century iteration, it amps and exaggerates aspects to the extent it could arguably be called fascist. And this is rather intentional...