Recent content by Lexx

  1. Lexx

    Need Fallout Et Tu help

    Did you start the game with the fallout2.exe file inside the fallout1in2 folder?
  2. Lexx

    The Digital Antiquarian on the history of Fallout

    The Ian meme gets really tiresome. That said, am I the only one who actually never experienced getting shot into the back by him? It's over 20 years now and I can't recall a moment like that, ever. Fo1 bartering with companions still cost money. At least taking stuff from them. However, using...
  3. Lexx

    Fallout 2 utility Femics Fallout 2 Modding Guide

    That error is telling you exactly what the error is.... ; is missing after node025? Also your if-then is wrong. If you write if ... then... else... the compiler reads it as everything written into a single line. However, you have a linebreak in your code due to writing Reply() and then...
  4. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Disabling the party leveling is ez. You can just override the party file. Sfall seems to support enable/disable scripting for it, so I have added a new config option for that now as well. Disabling the party armor change is ez too -- delete the file in the...
  5. Lexx

    New animations 2

    Turns out I never posted about it here.. probably because I never finished it. 3 years ago I started working on the spear set for the Ian critter (blue pants leather jacket), since there is a bug in Fo1 where the bandits are given spears as a weapon in an encounter with the BoS, but can't use...
  6. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Combat jacket with blue jeans for Player character? (Absolutely new to modding FO 1/2)

    There is no need to create new proto files for this. Other than that, this is not easy at all. I started creating the spear animations for the Ian critter, since in Fo1 they are supposed to use the weapon in an encounter. You can't just take the leather jacket sprites and paint the pants blue...
  7. Lexx

    Fallout 2 utility Femics Fallout 2 Modding Guide

    Shift+K and then click on the critter. Check the hotkeys in the mapper:
  8. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Scripting Help Needed - object can't read inventory of another object?

    But what's the point of this? The timers in Fo2 don't influence anything. Arroyo gets destroyed once you find the Geck.
  9. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Scripting Help Needed - object can't read inventory of another object?

    Those two lines are commented out as seen on the ; in front of it. The game ignores them.
  10. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Changelog You can find the latest release here. Not much to say this time, just wanted to finally get those fixes out in a public release. Some bugfixes (there's always something to fix), and some smaller tweaks. As always it's better to start a new game, especially for the Katja-fix. But it...
  11. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Scripting Help Needed - object can't read inventory of another object?

    In the past I easily played the game without closing / restarting it and seeing the dream sequences. It's really not impossible. The time limit stuff in script determines when something happens, it has no influence on when the cutscenes are playing.
  12. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Scripting Help Needed - object can't read inventory of another object?

    There is no script command for changing the timers. You'd have to figure out the byte position in the fo2 exe file and then read/write it via script. But it also requires unsafe scripting to be enabled. Overwriting those settings in the .ini file via script is a bad idea, since it only takes...
  13. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Gus is right, it was never the plan to do a 1:1 Fo1 port, as mentioned in the description. The party armor and leveling is simply a result of the Fo2 engine and I can't be arsed to write a lengthy manual on how to disable it (or enable it). People can't even manage to read the basics, this would...
  14. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Scripting Help Needed - object can't read inventory of another object?

    Exporting/importing temp variables only works on the map with the attached map script. If you want the variable to work on the enclave map as well, you will have to export it from that map script as well.