Recent content by Millim

  1. Millim

    Games you love, but don't really...

    Honestly, my biggest one is probably the first Shenmue. It has some cool aspects like the story, the funny voice acting, the music, the combat is pretty detailed for the time and some of the side stuff like the games and forklift races are fun as well. However, there's a lot of waiting around...
  2. Millim

    Best Fallout? - Game Discussion

    New Vegas... it's just the best overall game in my opinion. The OG Fallout is a very close second however, with Fallout 2 being a respectable third. The drop between F1 and F2 is a lot larger than the drop from NV to F1. I do have a soft spot in my heart for Fallout 3. If I have to score them...
  3. Millim

    I made a thing [MEDIA]

    I made a thing
  4. Millim

    The Fallout show is shit and destroys the only good thing Bethesdas Fallout had in its universe

    At this point, no one hates Fallout as much as Fallout fans. Honestly, the show is fine
  5. Millim

    The Fallout TV show is way sexier than the games [Kotaku]

    Isn't she xenophobic? Like she's actively the worst Character in the series. Regardless, the better relationship choices come in #2
  6. Millim

    Why are there no fallout comics?

    There's a great picture of me with Al Ewing and Kieron Gillen drunk at a party last year
  7. Millim

    Why are there no fallout comics?

    I think it's due to Todd not wanted to be outdone by a writer not on the Bethesda team, and while it'll more likely be licensed out, he won't have much control into what goes on in the comic. Lets not forget there are Elder Scrolls novels out there, and I don't think Todd had much input in how...
  8. Millim

    Todd Howard suggests that they'll start on Fallout 5 soon

    I remember when CT Phipps was a Fallout 4 enjoyer. Weirdly enough, I think my hate for the game has all dried up. It annoys the shit out of me, and while the story is dumb, I can at least appreciate the minimum effort they put into it. There is actually branching paths, but they forgot to add...
  9. Millim

    Tim Cain on the series

    It's fair, I didn't mean any offence or so... and is a little nice to balance out the negativity of it. Me and @Post-War Tribal were talking about a podcast discussing the show if you were interested in that.
  10. Millim

    Tim Cain on the series

    I’m gonna be honest, I don’t feel like you need to go this hard for the Fallout series. Either it’s bait and you’re trollinh, if which case I’d have to read another 5 pages of annoying posts on how it isn’t very good or you actually really like it and… good for you? But I don’t feel we need to...
  11. Millim

    I wish we'd gotten to play Fallout 76's story before the Scorched

    I’ve tried F76 twice, and both times I grew quickly bored with it. It doesn’t have an egaging story like New Vegas. It doesn’t have the same oppressive atmosphore as F3 It doesn’t have the actually decent settlement mechanic as F4 It’s a real “What are we doing here?” type situation
  12. Millim

    AV Club and which games should you play post show- thoughts?

    While the same game, I find Fallout 1 to be the better overall package. My problems with F2 is that it suffers from all the same issues that F1 had, with the glaring issue that it’s a lot longer. I’ll be honest, while I loved F2 and I look forward to playing it again, I will admit I did nearly...
  13. Millim

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    The thinh with a lot of these franchises are they are older games with a lot of older sensibilities. Baldur’s Gate were built around an old RPG system that has seen numerous updates since. Deus Ex was about how the future would look from the viewpoint of the year 2000, before 9/11, a global...
  14. Millim

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    I’ve been playing Pathfinder Kingmaker a lot recently. Honestly, if you want a detailed RPG, I’d suggest that to you folks
  15. Millim

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    Tbf, even Tim Cain has said lefity sentiment. The whole joke of the Fallout vaults originally was how Capitalism is that intrusive. Vault tec made the vaults and while inside, you are advertised vault tec products that you can thej use to survive in the outside World. I remember Tim Cain talking...