Recent content by Muttie

  1. Muttie

    RP 2.3.3 modernized

    RP 2.3.3 modernized [2500 words, plus a copy & paste of the full changelog (set in spoiler) which can be skipped (it's not that interesting, only if you really want to get into it] I wanted to play RP mod but found that the sfall from 2014 is too out of date (missing features etc). So I looked...
  2. Muttie

    BIS Mapper Problems

    Shot in the dark... I once had minor issues in mapper which was caused by scripts.lst having an extra line after the last entry. Which was also not easy to see inside the lst (i.e. it had an extra line but wouldn't show it, only when selecting the last line and going to the very end of it it...
  3. Muttie

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    My thoughts on it: I did read the article and I'm not sure what to think. Most points mentioned [as "improvements"] already exist, sometimes for a decade (e.g. Appearance Mod ; but only for the Fo2 engine, I believe). While the quick save/load (mentioned) was already in the original from '98...
  4. Muttie

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    Maybe something of interest... I just cleaned up my desktop and found the following. This was a proof-of-concept to check if & how LH could fit into the FO timeline. FK has seen it, made comments and basically acknowledged it. However, I would still rather see it as what it is (a...
  5. Muttie

    Wasteland Merc 2 patch 1.0 (preview/test)

    Update I tried to upload to NMA over the (last) weekend and it wouldn't let me. It's 72.855 KB which I tried to cut down to 30 MB (by using sfall) and it still wouldn't let me. Maybe it's the ACM files, maybe I'm doing something wrong. Idk. As a result the permanent Wm2 1.0a upload is off for...
  6. Muttie

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    In case people have still issues with the car: I did download 1.086 the day before yesterday and double-checked. It seems that leaving the car behind sets the variable to "have no car" and that allows to purchase a new one. However, that's not the same car (inventory/trunk is empty). But...
  7. Muttie

    Wasteland Merc 2 patch 1.0 (preview/test)

    You mean Trashyard (especially) and you're absolutely right. However, this (overhauling an entire map) goes beyond what I'm willing to do. I want to move on. The reason I picked up WM2 was because I had downtime, and looked for something to try. And I picked WM2. I played it. Found bugs, and...
  8. Muttie

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    I don't think this is correct. The engine saves the "inventory" of everything that is (added to party), it's not prototype related (although the trunk prototype is hardcoded : it's by default invisible) but not used for the cars (at least in 1.083). When the car loses all it's items, then only...
  9. Muttie

    Fixing Brahmin (1.02d) : plus extras

    It occurred to me that this may have been misleading. The "Dest_Block_Cycle" above is my version, as I felt the original created a superfluous blocker, so I changed it. I did add the warning that the sequence must be identical to the macro in your header, but maybe that could have been clearer...
  10. Muttie

    Fixes for the original (1.02d) DOOR and CONTAINR scripts

    Actually, using a critter as a wall piece may not be that bad... I can think of only two issues so far: The wall piece will show up as a critter on automap (motion sensor) If disabling resting on a map, the dude will have to kill the "walls" to re-enable it. However, those are minor...
  11. Muttie

    Uploading on NMA – How?

    OK, thanks. I'll try this by next weekend.
  12. Muttie

    Uploading on NMA – How?

    WM2 (patch 1.0a) is finished and I would like to upload it permanently now. It would make it easier for me if I could do it on NMA. This is what I want to upload: What do I have to do? [Note: The above link is complete and can be used (if inclined), however, once...
  13. Muttie

    Fixing Brahmin (1.02d) : plus extras

    This is for ZcBrahmn, but may also be applied (in part) to EcBrahmn, EcCrtBra and so on... -OPTIONAL : Talk proc: may utilize the existing talk lines (103 & 104) in the msg. Example, procedure talk_p_proc begin if (random(1,10) == 10) then begin display_msg(mstr(104)); end else...
  14. Muttie

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Sfall [mostly 4.4.3] Town Rep breakpoints: The RepPoint.H says: // macros for general town status // good #define town_rep_is_idolized (global_var(TOWN_REP_VAR) >= 30) #define town_rep_is_liked (global_var(TOWN_REP_VAR) >= 15) #define town_rep_is_accepted...
  15. Muttie

    Wasteland Merc 2 patch 1.0 (preview/test)

    Sorry. This is the last version: I try to make stuff permanent from now. At least I'll try, and if they let me. This is all harder for me than people may expect. Not my generation. The version above is finished. There are still bugs and features but they are minor...