Recent content by oblisk

  1. O

    Fallout goodies for sale. PAX Puppet, big box releases, etc

    I made a new listing, and this time, I will ship to anywhere in NA.
  2. O

    WTB: Original Fallout 1 Soundtrack CD

    Read my thread title again.
  3. O

    WTB: Original Fallout 1 Soundtrack CD

    Name your price!
  4. O

    Fallout goodies for sale. PAX Puppet, big box releases, etc

    There was an auction for FO1 that actually did go for $500 (google). Perhaps it was a rare occasion.
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    Fallout goodies for sale. PAX Puppet, big box releases, etc

    Hello, I ran into a some financial problems, and now I am desperate to get some cash in any way! :) First, I have the Fallout puppet + other goodies from PAX 2008. The ebay list was more of a test, I'm not actually...
  6. O

    Boast Your Fallout Box's,Also: Localizations Suck (F3 split)

    Re: Look at this Fallout 1 bid on eBay... I got FO:T FO2 and more FO1, do you want to buy mine at $500 :lol: /poor
  7. O

    Boast Your Fallout Box's,Also: Localizations Suck (F3 split)

    Look at this Fallout 1 bid on eBay... ...$510USD?! :lol:
  8. O

    Where do I bring fingers to? (Lawbringer perk)

    Yeah, bad perk. I traded in 43 fingers and got 203 caps....
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    Where do I bring fingers to? (Lawbringer perk)

    I have a bunch of fingers, but it's not telling me who I bring them to to sell. How do I find out?
  10. O

    Finished Fallout 3. Afterthoughts, etc. Spoilers

    I finished the main storyline quest, and.... ... No free roam? Was this known for a while now? Why, why, why! Why no free roam? I had a bunch of quests I did not finish. Anyway, the game is exceptionally good, but the ending was done poorly. It does not bring a good enough closure...
  11. O

    Fallout 3 Classic Music Mod [Download here]

    Fallout 1 tracks is a CD Audio rip, but at 128kbps. I think the Fallout 2 is also a CD rip (Was it ever released)? And it's at 192kbps. It MAY be a game rip though.
  12. O

    Fallout 3 Classic Music Mod [Download here]

    Yes, hence the quotes around "mod" :wink: It's more of a minimod/time saver.