
Been a Fallout fan since 2011. I always heard of and seen Fallout but did not play until all the games up to FO3 were available as part of a Steam sale. I started from the beginning with FO1 and learned how to play isometric games for the first time. I found this website when looking for strategy guides, been using it ever since, but only decided to join until 2018. After learning about Fallout's development history, I sided with the original team and became disappointed with Bethesda (though I played ESIII: Morrowind back in the day). Have not touched FO3 since or even tried Oblivion/Skyrim/FO4. Hard to find fans of the classics in person where I live/work (all my friends that play Fallout only know or play 3/NV/4).

I am also a fan of Obsidian's Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic II, which I find superior to Bioware's first game, especially with the Restored Content Mod. I also have Icewind Dale, Underrail, and Age of Decadence in my collection.

My biggest wish would be to see 1 and 2 remastered with better graphics/animation and updated engine. Keep it isometric but allow walls/buildings to be fully transparent instead of a small circle around your character. Have camera control with rotation and zoom feature. Include Fixt and Restoration Project in default game with room to be moddable.

Outside of Fallout, I play FPS games like Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Doom, Serious Sam, Team Fortress 2. I am into Sci-Fi and Fantasy, reading numerous books and watching several TV shows and movies. I also am into manga and anime. I exercise, tinker with my desktop computer, and collect weapons.
Nov 16, 1989 (Age: 34)
Eastern United States
Administration, Healthcare


Warhammer 40,000 fan Reading Horus Heresy novels and part of Half-Life 2 mod Exterminatus: Rival Species 2


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