Recent content by RonPerlman

  1. R

    Max Payne movie trailer

  2. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    maybe you should shoot me, that'd solve your problem
  3. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    I was responding to your post before you edited it into a different statement.
  4. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    How am I an asshole? Why should DA TROOPS deserve anything when they saw the situation of Iraq and said "yeah, even though there's no evidence showing Iraq's a national security threat, BUT I WANNA BAG ME SOME MOOSLEMS"?
  5. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    I believe soldiers who willingly went to Iraq are fucking morons who deserve no respect or sympathy
  6. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    Then you're not a proper member of the freedom corps "It was justifiable because he was swarthy and foreign and I wasn't" That's specious, since it's akin to saying you can't judge a serial killer until you kill people yourself I am not surprised you are a proud US citizen and a...
  7. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    I make it a rule not to take jobs involving murdering people, so, you know
  8. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    Then you're really not employing your Iraq War veteran status to its full benefit
  9. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    I guess "so, I killed some sandniggers" is a great pick-up line
  10. R

    Gun ownership thread #2323344

    people who proudly own guns should find another way to try to get laid
  11. R

    Spielberg finally sued over Disturbia

    But we should also remember he made incredibly shitty movies A.I., Jurassic Park 2, Indy 4, 1941, War of the Worlds, E.T., Minority Report
  12. R

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    No, you do not get to do anything Hellboy related. NOT WHEN PERLMAN'S STILL AROUND
  13. R

    Spielberg finally sued over Disturbia

    Spielberg is an untalented hack and has been for decades
  14. R

    The Shield and Sons of Anarchy and other FX programs

    most sitcoms are shitty, here are some good ones: it's always sunny in philadelphia (which is an fx program) black books (british) arrested development spaced (british)