Recent content by samuraisam

  1. samuraisam

    The House Never Wins Glitch *spoilers potentially*

    Hey, So I've finished sorting out the Omertas but I've encountered a bug whereby House will not acknowledge that I've finished it and ready for the next quest; he just asks me to investigate the Omertas again and again. I've seen the problem on a few forums and no one has a solution other...
  2. samuraisam

    Logitech G13/G15 etc macros for Fallout 1/2

    Just in case anyone is interested I have mapped out most of the shortcuts that I could find for Fallout 1/2 (mostly from here: onto the Logitech software, the layout might not be that great yet but all the macros are there so you can easily...
  3. samuraisam

    Fallout 2 - Time Limit?

    Re: RE: Time Limit? (SPOILER) I've had the time limit before I got the GECK finish the game and boot me to the main menu. I had to go back a few save games and alter my path.
  4. samuraisam

    Fallout 1: military base - undocumented entry

    I've dug out fallout 1 and am giving it a going through and I realised there is a perhaps undocumented way of going through the military base. holster guns and put the invisibility cloak in one of your inventory slots and activate it. Walk up to the guard at the front and ask to be taken to...
  5. samuraisam

    What is included in the Fallout 1 Box?

    fallout 2 had recipes in teh ring bound manual. for cakes and shit. never tried any, i hope while im at college no one threw out my manuals for fallout 1 and 2. I remember looking through them with such delight at a younger age, lets see, i got fo1 in about 98 or 99, i mustve only been 12 or...
  6. samuraisam

    World map in Fallout II

    re: attention to detail if you go to california i think it is, the place where you get on the ship iirc. that whole beginning part of the map is incomplete. NOT ONE SHELF IN THE WHOLE AREA CONTAINS ANYTHING, none of the boxes or storage thingies either. there was a quest or two there, but...
  7. samuraisam

    Fallout soundtrack

    fallout music? the soundtracks to fallout + fallout 2 are among the best game soundtracks i have ever heard, well ok, they are the best. i'd like to know who is responsible for them, there are a few names in the credits. also, i recall hearing one of the tracks on an episode of the...