BFFs forever! "Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!"(Farley voice)
PS. I read through your post (oh you know I did!), I didn't want you to think I ignored it. Probably nothing else to add at this point that would be helpful/useful beyond being argumentative.
For the record, I...
He was. Multiple sources refer to him as partisan (irregular military), guerilla and not the least of which, guerilla commander. Including his own wiki page.
"A partisan is a member of an irregular military force formed to oppose control of an area by a foreign power or by an army of...
Statements like that, "the US that needs the world", "not the world the US." The elitism is astounding. Worse yet, you don't even realize you're doing it.
So far you've been dishonest and marginalized your countries patriots. Nice work.
Somebody should have told this guy that: Henryk Dobrzański
Again the dishonesty proven:
"In March 1940, a partisan unit of the first guerrilla commanders in the Second World War in Europe under Major...
You marginalized the resistance fighters efforts, to go on about Universities and Postal services. Those would not have happened without the resistance FIGHTERS.
You have several times up until this point. Then you switched gears.
Hey smart guy, all resistance fighters are armed...
Uh what, Crni you realize that virtually all Black Water were former military right? The reason they had higher casualty rates is they didn't have the same equipment the Marines have. And things like air cover. Jeez.
Wow, to hear you tell it, Poland was a mid-war paradise. You marginalize the resistance efforts. I guess the mass executions of Polish civilians we'll ignore for now, because it goes against your lovely view of things during that period.
Firstly who said the conventional American forces...
I never said that civilians would win. But the alternative is doing nothing, I've put too much love, time and effort into my family to just see them butchered with no effort to stop it on my own. Not to mention I implied that event was unlikely.
Additionally, having one of the largest...