Recent content by Tiger_Claw

  1. T

    How is your more funny and ridiculous die in Fallout 2????

    I had one where I was punched out of the screen from a critical hit from a Centaur. And I had another one where a remnant of the master's army punched a hole in me. (Bug?)
  2. T

    More Chuckie interviews

    Turn-based games are cool. Anyway, I'm still playing quite a few of them for several systems. (PC, SNES, GBA, and Genesis)
  3. T

    Favorite Quote

    "I wonder if Texas survived the wall" - Cassidy "...Myron, Myron make me something that'll give me Redding..." - Myron
  4. T

    Fallout can be hazardus to your health!

    *snicker* I remember playing FO2 at school and getting called into the principals office. Man that was a good day. Anyway, since getting a new computer I've literally stopped playing it, and it's dropped down to my 3rd favourite game of all time. DOH!!
  5. T

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I was thinking that this was a "say hello" thread but it doesn't look like it. Anyway, hi everyone.