zegh8578's latest activity

  • zegh8578
    Smeagol ofcourse.
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 reacted to TheGM's post in the thread Russia attacks Ukraine with Like Like.
    This guy multiposting is why the golden horde should come back and burn Moscow to the fucking ground again.
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 updated their status.
    It's so wild that Chris Watts had to strangle his daughter twice, and then he had a stress poop in the bushes, outside his work-place
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 updated their status.
    I had the following epiphany just now: Wheat is gorgeous!
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on eissa's profile post.
    I'll always be haunted by a fellow norsk who told me we could 1. privatize all health-care, and 2. the poor could simply use the public...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 reacted to eissa's status with Like Like.
    Public Healthcare, whatever you think about it, is necessary. If it's shitty, then the private sector can step in to offer better...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 reacted to Post-War Tribal's post in the thread Russia attacks Ukraine with Like Like.
    Wrong forum. Fan fiction goes in here https://www.nma-fallout.com/forums/fan-art-fan-fiction.14/
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 reacted to TheGM's post in the thread Russia attacks Ukraine with Like Like.
    Where are these Nazis, are they in the room with you right now?
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    I also am up to here with the JP-franchise, but I have like 100 followers, he had thousands and thousands, and even with my 100 I was...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 updated their status.
    I only ever saw one dino-nerd on Twitter who posted something like "guys I'm not that into the Jurassic Park movies" and I felt so bad...
  • zegh8578
    I had a friend who was a massive southern Hick who told me about fallout 3 but new Vegas already came out so I started with new Vegas...
  • zegh8578
    zegh8578 commented on zegh8578's profile post.
    This is also the era that South Park anchors virtually all of their status-quo-loving conservativism, and I struggle to disagree.