Recent content by Zub

  1. Z

    Things that happen to you in Fallout that you just laughed?

    When I came into Vault 15 in fallout 2, I laughed out loud when I saw one of the guards say "GUNS GUNS I LOVE GUNS I REALLY REALLY LOVE THEM"
  2. Z

    Need help with the Voice Recognition Module

    I already got it installed though.
  3. Z

    Need help with the Voice Recognition Module

    Well, I found the item. Thanks guys! Oh, just one more little question(sorry!). I just got my car and installed the fuel regulator on it. How exactly do I drive it? I click the "use" button on the car but nothing happens. When I leave town, the car doesn't go with me. wtf?
  4. Z

    Need help with the Voice Recognition Module

    Well, I used the search button but didn't find what I was looking for. Anyway, I'm in Vault City's vault, level 2. I've forced open both of the stuck doors, but when I look around I can't find a voice recog module! I've found the strength modification module thing and a bunch of ammo, but no...
  5. Z

    End Of The World

    Well, I don't think that the US will be as affected as other, poorer countries with larger population densities. Here in the US, we may have a forced transition to renewable energy and will build walls to protect our coastal cities. We may have to start building more refineries to get drinking...
  6. Z

    Any way to patch and not lose save games?

    Yes, my game was originally not patched at all. I was looking at another topic, and a person said that moving my savegames to another place, saving in the patched game, and replacing the new files with my old savegames might fix the problem. I think moving the savegame files must have corrupted...
  7. Z

    Any way to patch and not lose save games?

    After playing the game for a while, I realized that I was supposed to have children in the game, so I found a patch to put children in, but it said that after installing it, I had to install the US patch. I did, but then my save games didn't work. I found a savegame converter, but it wouldn't...