Working on NuAshworld - a browser Fallout2-themed MMORPG


Vault-Tec Technician
Hey all!

Many of you might remember Ashworld (the Polish webgame) from around 2005 or so. It definitely took the Czech and Polish Fallout communities by storm :) That game has gone offline since then because (AFAIK) the developer's HDD has failed and there were no backups. Well, I was very nostalgic about it (it might be that I was 13 when I played it) and hoped there would one day be something similar.

Well, almost two decades later, I'm a grown-up software developer now and decided I can be the one to make it happen. I want to announce that I'm close to launching NuAshworld - my reincarnation of Ashworld :) Screenshots at the bottom of the post.

The world is based on Fallout 2, including the weapons, armor, enemies, SPECIAL, skills, perks, the map, etc.

Similar to other web games, you gain "ticks" in periodic intervals (eg. one per hour) and can use them on various in-game actions: movement on the map, fights, etc. You can gain new equipment from PVM fights, from town shops and from quests. There is the usual character progression you're used to from the classic Fallouts.

There are quests that follow the Fallout 2 storyline, but contrary to other RPGs, they're global and not per-player and in addition to personal rewards some of them have global rewards (as in, save Vic and he will open a shop in Klamath.) Some quests also have different ways to be completed (defeat Lo Pan? defeat Dragon?) with a tug-of-war between them: players completing one will remove progress from the other, and your clan needs to gain a numbers advantage to win. Finishing the last Enclave quest will end the tournament and start a new one :)

The main core of the game is the PVP combat and the player leaderboard (or at least I hope it will be. We're still yet to run our first tournament!). The combat itself is fully automatic, you can influence it by writing your own "fight strategies" (see one of the screenshots for an example).

There are more things I have planned but those can probably wait after the launch! (Clans, player marketplace/trades, making use of more skills...)
I'm currently working on the ranged combat damage calculations, and after that I'll need to finish the quest mechanics. As I'm doing this in my free time, I expect it to be launch-ready around the end of the year. Obviously, interest from others is a huge motivation, and I'd be very interested in your thoughts, questions and gameplay ideas!




