Best Fallout? - Game Discussion

I'm going to say Fallout 2. I agree that Fallout 1 has a more consistent tone and cohesive design focus, but there's also a couple of things that make it difficult for me to go back to the original:
-It just lacks the quality of life fixes of Fallout 2 - I don't like that Friendly Fire causes companions to turn on you all of a sudden. To be fair it also kinda sucks fighting in crowding areas in Fallout 2 and aggroing the whole town, but that's easier to ignore.
-The Mutant Timer is too half-implemented - This is probably exacerbated by the fact I've never seen the version with the 500 Day Time Limit(The idea of the Water Merchants raising the timer on the Water Problem but lowering it on the Mutant problem seems cool to me) - But even so, like the way a lot of stuff is implemented just sucks, like hearing from NPCs that the Mutants have overrun The Hub and Shady Sands, and you go there and everything's fine, or how there's a hard time limit on endings. The Mutants destroying Necropolis is cool because you actually get to see it, but in general I don't like this "You have limited time before the Mutants destroy everything, except not really because most of the content for it was never implemented" It makes it unclear whether to play the game casually or with a sense of urgency, and it just irritates me having something this big very obviously unfinished.

I also just like Fallout 2's world. It feels like the most interesting world to explore.

I like the big caravan routes, I like how governed by economics everything feels - Like you have Redding where which company is producing gold is really important to determine which major player is going to benefit, or how Vault City is unsustainable because it's reactor can't power it forever, and will inevitably have to make deals with the outside (Including possibly changing their perspective on Mutants and working with the Ghouls in Gecko) to survive - Fallout 2's conflicts overwhelmingly revolve around people's actual day to day needs rather than moral principles, or good vs evil or ideas - It makes day to day survival, where people are getting resources from, and the power that old-world technologies have in determining the world important questions. It makes the world feel grounded.

I'm also always surprised that the devs apparently thought the world wasn't interconnected enough and locations only worked in isolation, because IMO Fallout 2 always felt like the most interconnected Fallout world to me - Even if we take the most rushed, disconnected area (San Fransisco) - You can still hear rumours in a bar about the hubologists building a rocket in a bar in Redding. For more developed parts of the game, it's everywhere: Characters in Klamath and The Den will talk about New Reno as a place they import their drugs and booze from, It's clear who the Slaver's Guild are selling to because the tattoo, as well as alienating you from anti-slavery factions like the NCR Rangers, will allow easier access to Vault City and the New Reno families because they cut business with the slavers.

I think the game world, how your signposted where to go next, quest design, the roadblocks it puts in your path, everything is really well designed (Though this is equally true of Fallout 1 and New Vegas) - I think the early monetary fee on rescuing Vic, your only lead at that point (Even if he's a complete red herring) is a good example - It gives you incentive to go out and interact with The Den and Klamath to make money - You have reason to get involved in the gang wars, or to learn to skin Geckos, or if you're doing an evil playthrough, it's a good motivation to join the Slaver's Guild, which will be your most reliable source of income that early in the game (The Slaver's Guild is also just a really well done part - Because it makes Evil Playthroughs more of an 'alternate path' like stupid playthroughs, where you make a really early decision, and have it continue to have consequences down the line, that give you new options in some places, and close off options in others)

And even if parts of the writing make me cringe, I also think there's some real high-points to it. There are some genuinely funny moments, and to be honest a lot of it just sticks in my head for a lot longer. Even when it's been a while, I still remember a lot of characters and interactions, like for example in Klamath, after my first time playing I just vividly remembered every interaction for ages afterwards, the "Town Greeter" trying to scam you at the entrance, the jovial boxer in the tavern whose willing to teach you Unarmed, the snobbish woman telling you how the only way to the Garden of Eden is hard work something that you tribals don't understand.
Original Fallout. @Mr Fish and @Gizmojunk said why well enough. Least 'moral ambiguity' as well. Hero's journey.
Least Moral Ambiguity? I kinda disagree - The Master is far more ambigous than say, The Enclave, insofar as there is at the very least he has an argument as to why he's the best hope for the Wasteland (Even if he's wrong) - And will kill himself out of guilt for what he's done when it's revealed that the Supermutants can't reproduce, and thus all his efforts had been for nothing. The Enclave meanwhile is kinda the definition of Evil, being willing to do horrific things to benefit themselves because they don't view their victims as even being human.

It's true that there are a lot more straight up Good VS Evil conflicts - Like Gizmo straight up runs child prostitution rings, or how in the conflict between the Regulators and Blades there is a correct answer to what's actually happening.

But there are also situations where I think it's less straightforward. It's not really clear who the good guys in The Hub are. Like yeah, Decker is clearly a bad guy, so there's not much ambiguity there, but then you also have stuff like the Water Merchants, the town's Water is basically monopolised, and sold across the Wasteland. People in the Hub largely seem desparate, and that's why the Unity can establish a presence there, because they can disguise themselves as a charitable organisation looking after the needy.

The Brotherhood are another example - There are lots of good people in the Brotherhood, and they're not strictly a malevolent force, but the game seems very clear that they're not really good for the Wasteland - I mean Maxson straight up tells you that the Brotherhood Paladins wanted to torch The Hub because they were ripped off in a deal, and it's only because The Elders obstruct rash action that it didn't happen.

Either way, I don't think Moral Ambiguity is a bad thing, or a more conventional Hero's journey is a good thing, it's all contextual IMO. Some narratives really benefit from having straightforward conflicts, others it makes sense.

Me personally, I like the idea of if we're in a post-apocalyptic setting with a focus on rebuilding, that asking tough questions about what you think would be best in the long run, or challenging your beliefs, is a part of the setting.
Gotta ask the age old question for myself; What's the best Fallout game, and why? :boy:

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I'm running through fallout for the first time and I have to say it's one of the best games I've ever played. I await to play 2 after I'm finsihed. NV was my favorite since it came out when I was 14, however the first one completely toppled it in my eyes and I haven't beaten it yet. So far it's been amazing, enough for me to join this forum lol.
I must have missed this. Where is it mentioned?
Sinthia, the Prostitute that gets taken hostage in the Crash House says it.

It's true that there are a lot more straight up Good VS Evil conflicts - Like Gizmo straight up runs child prostitution rings, or how in the conflict between the Regulators and Blades there is a correct answer to what's actually happening.
junktown still has some moral ambiguity in it, it becomes the new boomtown under his leadership while in killian ending it's still the same (the cut gizmo ending would work better to be real)
still i can't get it why junktown have cut content and they didn't do what they wanted because the game didn't have hints on killian being bad for the city it was the first location they worked on :confused:
I've had more fun playing Fallout 2 than Fallout. It starts strong, but I can't find the same enjoyment after leaving Vault 13. Navarro is cool, but I'm not a fan of the oil rig, the hubologists or the shi.

The original Fallout is more consistent and has an enjoyable main story throughout, making it the better game overall. Fallout 2 is the better sandbox game whenever I want to ignore the main story.
but I'm not a fan of the oil rig, the hubologists or the shi.
San Francisco honestly evokes more mixed feelings in me than any other part of the game.

Because conceptually I like the Shi, I think they're a really cool concept. The idea of a group of Chinese naval officers helping rebuild San Francisco after the war is really good. It's kinda like the same story as the founding of Broken Hills: The war is over, obviously they would go and help rebuild, because they have no reason not to anymore, the things they were fighting over no longer exist.

I like them being this scientifically advanced group who are able to go far and beyond what other groups in the Wasteland are, because they have a hyper-advanced pre-war supercomputer planning for them. I like that their technology is more on the Biotechnology side, and they are making things that actually benefit survival in the Wasteland, like experimental Biofuel, or radiation consuming plants.

I even like the Kung Fu tournament questline. The idea of Chinatown being contested by two gangs, one broadly Good and one broadly Evil, and so they have to have their champions use martial arts to defeat one another, is goofy, but I can't say it doesn't fit with what we've seen in the game so far. Plus, the game has a bunch of content for Unarmed characters, so it feels like a satisfying conclusion to that.

I think the problem is everything together: The Kung Fu Tournament, Plus the fact that the Shi are lead by an "Emperor" who is hidden from public view in the palace, plus the fact that NPCs just go around saying "Rice and Noodles" - It feels like they had a cool concept, but ended up making it into a joke. Some silliness would be good, having the entire thing, down to how the Shi are organised fit the jokey mold isn't.
It's things like this, along with tommy gun wielding gangsters, sword-wielding yakuza, the temple of trials, etc. which disqualify Fallout 2 from being the 'Best', even if we had more fun playing it.
i don't think new reno is a crime city is problem i explained it by saying it was a crime city before the war which is possible
i would prefer if some family explained its history before the war and how they adapted but this is also a problem in fallout 1 with the hub when the origin of it is in the design docs so yeah
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i would prefer if some family explained its history before the war and how they adapted but this is also a problem in fallout 1 with the hub so yeah
At least one of the families (The Mordinos) is effectively a newcomer family. There's very little sense that any of the families have a definitive history in New Reno, and by the time of New Vegas they're all switched out.

I think there are solutions to the New Reno Families but "Give them a pre-war history" is not one of them for me - Fallout works best when it's happy to have things created anew, rather than be entirely extensions of the pre-war world.
At least one of the families (The Mordinos) is effectively a newcomer family. There's very little sense that any of the families have a definitive history in New Reno, and by the time of New Vegas they're all switched out.

I think there are solutions to the New Reno Families but "Give them a pre-war history" is not one of them for me - Fallout works best when it's happy to have things created anew, rather than be entirely extensions of the pre-war world.
you are right in giving the families pre war history shouldn't be a solution the mafia lifestyle is perfect for raiders so it's easy to imagine some knowledgeable people would go to it instead of the normal raider life
Actually, I meant just that. The graphical representation of the big fat gangster. The actual existence of gangs in New Reno was no biggy at all.
sorry my fault
i remember hearing that chris avellone didn't ask for them but they included them anyway because they had the models well i don't have the source but i don't think this is far from the truth considering how messy fallout 2 development was