Rewrite vault 87

'Cause it's goofy, he appears in every fallout game prior to 3 and has clearly traveled east. Keeping him as a constant in the series has always been an interesting concept. I'm not saying he has to be the tree person, Harold and more specifically Bob provides a unique insight into the tree mutant idea, since he has a similar mutation and would be a great conduit for this quest line as an NPC.
i get what you mean but there are 2 problems with harold in dc why does he want to go there? how a crippled ghoul like him reached that untouched wasteland without dying?
the only thing that makes sense as to why he is there instead of gecko is his plot in van buren but why would he go to california in the first place? did he have some force bond star wars shit between him and grey or something? see there are a lot of problems maybe a wild wasteland joke would work better
why does he want to go there?
If you take into account every single one of his appearances it makes sense that he eventually leaves, he's an explorer at heart. even if you exclude Van Buren.

He lived as a scavenger making ends meet in The Hub, then he explores Mariposa with Grey (obviously)... So he's already an explorer but gets mutated. After that he continues to live in The Hub for awhile.

Possibly inspired by the vault dweller after the events of Fallout 1, he eventually leaves and returns to his roots

In Brotherhood of Steel, he's made it all the way out to Texas to a ghoul town (Los), and gets into it with Ruby the prostitute.
[I'm not going to talk about that stupid fucking quest about re attatching limbs]

After his time fucking around in Texas he returns to California and helps with Gecko, another ghoul town

even if you don't want to consider Brotherhood of Bawls, he still eventually left The Hub for Gecko
but why would he go to california in the first place?
He doesn't know about any health issues with bob yet... if there even is any, because we're excluding Van Buren. There's many reasons he may have returned to California, maybe he missed the Hub, or wanted to search for Vault 29

After the events of fallout 2, and with the NCR growing. Perhaps he was jousted from Gecko, or left on his own volition. There's no solid evidence for the fate of Gecko

He travels east... and settles down yet again for a short amount of time in another partial ghoul settlement (Quincy). Harold eventually joins up ranks for a small amount of time with The Midwest Brotherhood after mission 6.. which gives him more merit to be able to survive on his own

There's plenty of ways to justify his desire to explore.. Incorporating Van Burens idea only reinforces that point

how a crippled ghoul like him reached that untouched wasteland without dying?
Asking a question like that is very restrictive. But I understand why it needs to be asked, it's not easy to survive in the setting..

It's a lot more feasible for one person to cross the continent over the course of 200 years than a massive group though, It's not like Harold is one of the fuckin' 18 brotherhood expeditions east, he's an old ghoul who's lived almost his entire life in the wasteland, He's better off than most.

I mean how did he get from Vault 29 located... somewhere east, or in Southern Colorado (if you take Van Buren into account) to The Hub with no survival experience... at the age of 18? (if Vault 29 opened in 2090 like The Fallout Bible states) Hell as a mutant he can cross irradiated locations deemed unexplorable to normal humans.

Frankly this is open ended, but it's feasible considering his history. It's something that would have to be tackled when writing.

Harold is a great analog for a player character. Or he's a Post Apocalyptic hitchhiker I guess
Mcready is up north with his heavy body until he can’t walk his body sticks to the soil roots growing from his flesh to find water outside his thirsty body to become a tree on 10 december 2126
If you take into account your own write up here, Mcready becomes a tree around the same time Harold would join the Midwest Brotherhood. Providing ample time to have him travel out east, and for the Oasis Settlement to form both factions.

Of course though, it's your write up.. this idea does a better job than most fixing one of Fallout 3's biggest issues and I do like it.

but I like Harold
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If you take into account every single one of his appearances it makes sense that he eventually leaves, he's an explorer at heart. even if you exclude Van Buren.

He lived as a scavenger making ends meet in The Hub, then he explores Mariposa with Grey (obviously)... So he's already an explorer but gets mutated. After that he continues to live in The Hub for awhile.

Possibly inspired by the vault dweller after the events of Fallout 1, he eventually leaves and returns to his roots

In Brotherhood of Steel, he's made it all the way out to Texas to a ghoul town (Los), and gets into it with Ruby the prostitute.
[I'm not going to talk about that stupid fucking quest about re attatching limbs]

After his time fucking around in Texas he returns to California and helps with Gecko, another ghoul town

even if you don't want to consider Brotherhood of Bawls, he still eventually left The Hub for Gecko
i also like harold and would love to put him anywhere in this rewrite but it feels cheap and makes the world aka post war america feel small
He doesn't know about any health issues with bob yet... if there even is any, because we're excluding Van Buren. There's many reasons he may have returned to California, maybe he missed the Hub, or wanted to search for Vault 29

After the events of fallout 2, and with the NCR growing. Perhaps he was jousted from Gecko, or left on his own volition. There's no solid evidence for the fate of Gecko
i meant here that if we use his sub plot in van buren to find 29 in dc instead of nevada but it is weird why a 18 would go to california a 3000 mile away
He travels east... and settles down yet again for a short amount of time in another partial ghoul settlement (Quincy). Harold eventually joins up ranks for a small amount of time with The Midwest Brotherhood after mission 6.. which gives him more merit to be able to survive on his own

There's plenty of ways to justify his desire to explore.. Incorporating Van Burens idea only reinforces that point
fallout tactics is an interquel to fallout and fallout 2 it the game event happens in 2197 which is weird why he is the midwest that far and join the bos and leaves because he exists in fallout 2
Asking a question like that is very restrictive. But I understand why it needs to be asked, it's not easy to survive in the setting..

It's a lot more feasible for one person to cross the continent over the course of 200 years than a massive group though, It's not like Harold is one of the fuckin' 18 brotherhood expeditions east, he's an old ghoul who's lived almost his entire life in the wasteland, He's better off than most.

I mean how did he get from Vault 29 located... somewhere east, or in Southern Colorado (if you take Van Buren into account) to The Hub with no survival experience... at the age of 18? (if Vault 29 opened in 2090 like The Fallout Bible states) Hell as a mutant he can cross irradiated locations deemed unexplorable to normal humans.
well you are right 1 person has more chance to live traveling in the waste than a group but there's still a high chance that crazy raiders mindless tribals and mutated animals like the rad scorpion or rat pig (before bethesda removes them from existence) and deathclaws you can argue mammals wouldn't attach a corpse like harold out of fear there's a parasite but that wouldn't be the case for rad scorpion or deathclaws (since deathclaws stated to predator everything that move)
while if we talk about 18 years harold it is the same reason why my 11% vault dweller can go straight up from vault 13 to the glow without a single random encounter it just works
but really without joking i think the wild life wouldn't be well developed like fallout 1 nor 2 just after 13 years (don't mention 76) same with raiders and he has proper 2 legs
i am not saying it doesn't make sense that he traveled 3000 miles alone crippled but it isn't likely to me at least that he will be in dc and also world building issues that i mentioned above
The problem of V87 is its own limitation.

As Fallout 1 fan we can see right away damn 87 is aping Vault Los Angeles when it was captured by the Master and become the original Vat that produce an SM army to threaten the entire West Coast.

But the F3 people dont want to do that, so they remove a final boss type like The Master. Instead they introduce Vault scientist to experiment dwellers with new type of FEV.

THAT is still okay so far, but I think at that point the devs and writers working on V87 peter out entirely. So they dont make use of the concept that a Super Mutant raider group go out to capture people back to turn into SM, a concept that was mentioned in Arefu, Big Town but NOT at Rep of Dave and Girdershade (interesting because that confirm a distance limit on how far such raider groups would operate).
That petering out also reflect in another aspect of having SM trying to find something in the ruins of DC, a concept that was mentioned specifically by Reily and some other. The whole thing smell of having SM as final boss in main quest. So when they peter out, they drop that concept entirely and change to Enclave as final boss.
SO, if you want to rewrite V87. The easiest thing would be
+ Build up a surface grand SM camp on top of V87. There's nearly no event happen there, so it make the least intrusion onto original stories. It must be big and impressive.
+ If you are that hard up for VA works, concentrate on a set of SM grunts with content of going out to capture squishies
+ And if you are good with scene making, AI package and script, create random encounter of wastelander captives cowering toward V87 with Super Mutants driving faster. Spread it in areas around V87 with BigTown and Arefu as max distance.
The problem of V87 is its own limitation.
no not really 87 super mutants have three problems
1 they are mindless cannibal orks with no character
2 their origin story the whole shit of vault 87 is bad the enclave didn't need this vault and the fev was made after it was built and finally the military wouldn't give a vault to do secret experiment when they were doing it
3 "Major Barnett has ordered transfer of all FEV research to the Mariposa Military Base." should be self-explained
also I and others see fev on east coast really unimportant west tech name is west so they should only be in california or any place in the west the military wanted it to be a secret project so they didn't spread it to every place in the county (knowing that china discovered fev and feared it so they started the great war) so i prefer to make new mutants instead rewriting this nonsense
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