I made a .PRO file editor

For those who are unaware, this tool allows you to view and edit all 6 types of proto files, not just the two (critter/items) that the ProtoManager allows you to edit.
That being said, it could use an official release as a standalone executable so people don't have to compile and run it themselves. Not everybody is programmer savvy.
This sounds cool, but is there not an actual compiled program to use? I see no "Releases" on the git and have no ideas what Scala is to compile it myself.
This sounds cool, but is there not an actual compiled program to use? I see no "Releases" on the git and have no ideas what Scala is to compile it myself.
lol sadly, neither do I.
But this tool is for advanced modding anyway, and the mapper can edit proto files too (just slowly, and with a lot of configuration pains).
Are you trying to make new protos or edit old ones that aren't items/critters?
I checked the github repository and it seems like it comes with a "FRM Utils-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" file.

It might not need compiling. Has anyone tried running that .jar file and seeing if it works (since it's a .jar file it needs Java installed)?
You literally don't need java installed in windows for a .jar file to work..

what you do need is javasdk files required by the program to run, within the same folder as the said java program.. it's sort of the same windows magic as for some glidewrappers, spatial 3d sound re-enablers for old games utilizing directsound3d, or using older version of GPU drivers for certain games, while having the latest ones installed at the same time.