They are not even hiding at the bottom of basement stairways, with improvised bottle-bongs, what is this!? Adults - working, functioning people - puffing away!?
The article has the insane audacity to be honest in the end, like a little "balance point" for their demonization of weed smokers; take it down a notch - humanize potheads a bit - with an anecdote of someone boomering at them "Hey, would u mind! There r children nearby somewhere surely!" and the pot-smokers saying "okay, sorry"
Hopefully we get legalized ganja before Russia commences the great arctic war, Greenland, Svalbard, here we fucking go - speaking of wich, the Swedish MoD went out sortof like "Sweden. Prepare for war. Civlians - please, prepare for the mental... image of... well, war."
Norwegian MoD we "lol wut, no, what war? Russia? Nooooooooooo they're not gonna do anything" Russia "Finland has no right to exist. Hey Denmark; Greenland. Now."
We grounded 5 coast guard vessels; lack of funding!
Btw, Chinese are all over northern Norway, their method is to inundate lil municipalities in "delegates" who talk nonsense for hours, mostly just probing - National intelligence reports states extreme concern for China to get their grubby fingers in northern resources; strike deals with local leaders, then begin to leach - using our economy as a bargaigning chip
In the meantime, the government has lost track of private contractors stripping pristine and ancient forest, for speculative property developments, mostly luxury vacation homes; in 5 years - guess the number; 44 000 building projects, no accountability
And on top of that, right wing "anti wolf" activists just shot a pregnant wolf bitch, they are being prosecuted, but it appears we have hardline "anti nature" types now, anecdotally, one guy on "X" told me wolves are not native to Norway, which is fucking psychotic