No Mutants Allowed

I disagree I think it’s an awesome setting that expands the horror and post-apocalyptic elements of the franchise past just the Great War.
The amount of bias toward NCR ending and discrediting Courier 6 and Mr House ending are very disgusting. I can't stand some people who mentioned Fallout Dust whenever we got a discussion about Independent or Mr House ending. Treatin how those two ending suck using the fanon from Fallout Dust as proof. Like come on.
Not sure what you’re talking about, the Mr. House/Yes Man endings are canon to Dust, not the NCR ending. The only thing is that Dust is pragmatic about these endings.
Kimball is ousted from the presidency in shame, Oliver is sworn in and fully commits to annexing the Mojave now that they don’t have to worry about the shattered Legion. It makes perfect sense. The NCR would never just turn tail and give up their gem forever. They’ve taken on the Enclave, BOS, and Legion, they wouldn’t just cower before Securitrons forever.
I personally love Mr. House’s ending for New Vegas, but I never thought everything would just be sunshine and rainbows after, the NCR betrayal at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam was a huge embarrassment for them and they’ve already committed so many bodied and resources into the Mojave campaign, they would never just abandon it all (before the Dust and Cloud incidents).
A genius Courier will never lose the Mojave, especially with Securitron. Any weapon platform that can reliably and accurately shoot missiles at the distance of 500-1500 meter (or few hundred yards) will always beat the conventional army. Especially army like NCR who are barely mechanized, lacks reliable fire support, and have very few long range attack baring the anti-materiel rifle that NCR Ranger carried.
Oliver is fully sworn is not what I consider as pragmatic interpretation. The whole thing is bad, Oliver has bad reputation. General will always be blamed for, especially since Oliver career just started compared to Kimball pacification of Sierra Nevada mountain. It's not the other way around. There is always the Senator Hanlon (formerly Chief Hanlon) who is gonna hamper any chance that Oliver will be elected.
In fact, the scenario where NCR Civil War from OWB Mod of HOI4 is more sound than...whatever Fallout Dust think that NCR supremacy is inevitable.
Okay 1) Oliver may have bad reputation within the army in itself, but he wins the Battle for the Dam twice, even if Hanlon was the strategic genius behind his victory, so in that case Oliver would get all the praise for kicking the Legion's ass and winning the 2nd Dam battle before being betrayed by the Courier. It wouldn't be Oliver that's blamed for the embarrassment, the Courier is the perfect scapegoat for that.
2) Even if the Dam itself was lost, the Legion was practically wiped out, arguably the NCR's worst boogeyman. The reason the NCR was spread so thin was because of Caesar and the Courier kills both him and the Monster of the East Lannius, leaving the Legion shattered and allowing the NCR to commit fully to Mojave annexation. That's absolutely pragmatic.
Also to think the NCR can't defeat an army of Securitrons is silly, long range targeting or not, the NCR has resources up the ass. Dude they have Power Armor, Super Mutants, vehicles, the Rangers as you say, literally nothing except the Legion stood in their way, and that was only due to Caesar's masterful strategy. The Securitrons can't even turn around that fast.
Not to mention Oliver is friends with Kimball, the very reason he's general in the first place. No doubt Kimball would help Oliver get the presidency.
Oliver doesn't solely win the war, but Hanlon was also included. And now Hanlon already hijack NCR overall war effort, so the picture is not General Oliver leading united force of NCR. But more like a house divided, with the elites (NCR Rangers) ready to mutiny following Senator Hanlon lead. How so? Through the civil government, be it impeachment and another motion of no confidence...
Heck the whole Securitron by themselves mopping to clean all Fort Hill should already answer your assumption that Securitron are unable to dealt with human based on solely on they cannot turning their turret easily. We are talking about Ceasar Legionnaries, they fought primarily with melee and heavy close range attack with guns. If your assessment is true, then Securitrons should be mandhandled and outmanuvered. .
But the sheer amount of firepower and self-repair ability of Securitrons MK2 debunk that. And the more you learn about modern warfare...something like missiles, with proper guidance system and forward observer can truly make kills far beyond what 12.7mm BMG could do.
Missiles are by nature far more accurate and you don't have to constantly calculate the ballistic, the gravity, the wind direction like you do when sniping. A battery of Securitron MK2 aided with the recon of cloacked Eyebot is devastating. There is no way that NCR would have the means to defeat a genius Courier who know his stuff. Only idiot courier or brute ass one maybe. But not the former.
Robots can be mass produced, a reverse engineered Sierra Madre Vending Machine can make wonder with that fact compared to what you can do to human soldier. We have seen how battlefield in 21st century is shaped by missile warfare, smart munition exchange, and you can strike as much you can see, if you can push the button first..which you can automate anyway
And the best thing is, much of strategic capability of Courier actually lies in the Arizona, not even in Nevada part of Mojave. The terrain around Colorado River is not very smooth to cross, so don't think that NCRA can throw men at Courier 6 powerbase at Fort Hill/S.Vault. The base in which he can produce lots of robot thanks to the reverse engineered Vending Machine.
Before you telling me of wanking, Look at Elijah stats. You can make a Courier 6 stats better than him. And also there is the fact that entire Big MT scientists team is ready to aid Courier 6 in such endeavour. You cannot beat robotic armies with human style kinetic warfare, pal.
I prefer a forum to discuss this because the characters limit is just crazy.