No Mutants Allowed

Mr Fish
Mr Fish
I'll PM you the music. Anyway, the reason some fuckers are let down is because the masks? They're almost gone. IIRC only 2 storylines feature masks and everyone thought that the game was going to be about a bunch of hoodrats running around in a van cosplaying as knock-off brand Jackets and then got disappointed when the storyline doesn't try to ape the original.
I'll pick it up later then. Thanks for the recommendation.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
Hotline Miami 2 is better in pretty much every conceivable way IMO... EXCEPT for one thing... If you did like the cryptic and vagure storyline of a man too far gone to differentiate between reality and fetishized murder fantasy then, well, it isn't going to live up to that.
I did. That was the main complaint of the game iirc.
Had it on vita.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
I did too. Which is why I was left feeling very... Ambivalent after completing it the first time.
But it ties into the first?
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
It wasn't until I went ahead and completed the game on Hard Mode (there's a Hard Mode for the entire game btw) that I realized how amazing it was and how wrongly I had judged it. I had been expecting a rehash of HLM1 which I probably would've hated if they gave it to me since I'd rather not have a game at all than have a cashgrab rehash.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
But I realized that HLM2 is doing its own thing. It's a sequel in terms of some story elements and gameplay alone. But the story? Is completely new and completely different. Personally I think that it surpasses the vague and cryptic story of the first one.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
Anyway, yes, it does. I won't spoil the rest of it but The Fans, the guys in the van, are Jacket imitators.
Thanks again. It sounds like you really liked it. I know I had a great time with the first one. It was one of the few games I took on the go with me.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
Hard Mode is fucking insane sometimes though. Enemies react EXTREMELY quickly to you. The levels are turned upside down so that they play out a bit differently. There are more windows and shit added for difficulty and more enemies around. And trying to A/S-score levels with high combo's is pure insanity sometimes.

And I love it.
Another game like that I wanted to try was Monaco I think it was called. It is coop though.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
Oh! And it got a level editor! I made like 2 dozen levels for it. Great fun. I'll PM the screenshots of one of my levels, you can find other levels I've made in my Steam screenshots.
I didn't know that. Cool shit. Does it have mods at all besides that or?
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
Monaco is also REALLY good, I didn't play it with co-op though. Made it far more difficult IMO since I had to utilize only one characters abilities to collect all the cashmoney.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
I think there are some mods out there, mostly for re-skinning characters.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
I've made 19 levels apparently. At least those are the ones I backed up. Never did put them up on the Workshop.
Watching a conversation between you two is pretty confusing at first if you're used to glancing at avatars instead of usernames.
I could always change mine for kicks and see what he does. I'll do that.