Fallout et tu

Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)

Reviews 4.25 star(s) 4 reviews

Such a quality of life increase when you wanna play Fo1, honestly suggest getting it, as its not too hard to set up
Downloaded this off github to try and was dissapointed how many unecessary and poorly documented gameplay changes were made to the original game (i.e. leaving in weapons from FO2 without any option to disable and not even documenting which weapons and where). Not recommended for first time players or people who want an authentic Fallout experience.
We never said it was for first time players and if you read the description, you will also find out that this is not supposed to be a 1:1 recreation. That said, the Fo2 weapons are sparingly added, and the generic player won't even really notice them.
Works like a charm. With all new features and mods, spot on. Well worth spending a few days. So 10/10, would beat the game again when another wave of nostalgia hits.
Finally finished the first Fallout game thx to this mod, everything worked great and even more (with the new features).