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  1. S

    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    Because you can't ACCEPT (as in, face reality) cars are more deadly, not because it's invalid. Guns are already regulated here. Making them illegal for citizens to own won't make anyone safer, they'll purchase them/steal them illegally anyway. End result = same level of violence.
  2. S

    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    Yes, cars are regulated, so are guns, amazing! (astonishment!) Regulated doesn't equal banned. So you guys are fine with regulated then? Because they already are.
  3. S

    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    I don't recall saying they are precisely the same. What I did infer is that they both can cause mass fatalities/casualties, and both are easily accessible. It's a valid comparison. Yet no one is attempting to ban cars, the horror. Or attempting to ban TNT, or ban fertilizer, or ban nails...
  4. S

    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    Because an insane/pissed off person behind either can cause many fatalities in a short period of time, and both are easily accessible. Apples and oranges? Maybe, but still in the same fruit basket. The comparison is valid.
  5. S

    Firearms and their relation to crime figures

    If you cram anymore logic in this thread someones head will pop. People just don't seem to get that if someone is bound and determined to kill, they will do so, whatever the weapon may end up being. No matter if it's legal, or illegal. Do guns make it easier to kill? Maybe, but it's pretty...
  6. S

    Favorite Film of 2010

    Thanks for the introduction, I'll have to check this out.
  7. S

    3 Shots That Changed America

    Spasm from the gunshot? Have you watched the video? I didn't say anything about a conspiracy, I said there were two shooters. Video evidence supports this.
  8. S

    3 Shots That Changed America

    Not sure about that, but I tend to believe Oswald had help. But because of the evidence, not due to some conspiracy, shows two shooters. One in front (unknown), and one behind (Oswald) JFK. Most witnesses describe hearing 2-3 pops over several seconds. The first impact was JFK's upper back...
  9. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    As I said before, this is an example, most people don't rack up 100k, but even if they did, and they landed a job making 100k a year, which is not that difficult. That's 8k a month pay, for a loan payment that is 1k a month. That is affordable and worth it as well. People act like these...
  10. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    I've seen several here reports about it, not like there is some media black out, sheesh guys.
  11. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Yea I saw, and dude I can appreciate why people are pissed. I just don't think the rioting is going to help much, your government's got its mind made up that they're going to slash spending on everything. Hopefully the violence will simmer down in the next couple of days/weeks.
  12. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Motion passed......NEXT! heh
  13. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Most people don't rack up anywhere near this much debt, it was an off the cuff example. Would he not use his education ever? Not likely. I'm not talking about repaying loans instantly within the first year of graduating, I'm talking long haul (The average is the first payment is due 6 months...
  14. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    This sounds about right. It can be complicated, however, the alternative would be raising taxes specifically to cover this. Most Americans (Dems & Repubs) are against raising taxes for most things, not all, just most. I usually equate it to someone asking me to swallow a gallon of...
  15. S

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Some of the papers here are dubbing him the "The Horny Hacker"....
  16. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    The insecurity is addressed with the first payment of the loan being delayed till well after you graduate. Yes it's a lot of responsibility, but at this point if you are choosing this kind of high end education, you probably wouldn't be flunking out of school, or realizing early on this isn't...
  17. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Student loans aren't free, however, they are also not dependant on how much money you have in the bank or how much your parents have. Millions do this a year in the U.S., people around here act like it's some complete failure. It's not. This doesn't even take into account financial aid from...
  18. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    Not really, you can get student loans with Zero income on up from there.
  19. S

    Obama Orders Pay Freeze on Federal Workers

    2.5 billion in federal pay raises just went through today, unaffected by the freeze. Awesome.
  20. S

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    This would imply that everyone gets the same top quality of education regardless of which college/university they attend in the UK for 3k a year. This true?