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  1. S

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    I don't think anyone is arguing that the helo was in danger. Is an RPG a danger to ground forces.....YES. The helos cover ground forces. Some of the people in that group were armed. In the "huddle"? Maybe not, but in that area, associated with the people in the huddle, again YES. And what...
  2. S

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    What a sec, are you talking in general or just in this video? In this video I see several guys that are clearly armed, and no I'm not talking about the camera guys/reporters. Innocent people seems a little bit of a long shot. One of the guys in the vid has an RPG. As far as the reporters...
  3. S

    Age Cap

    Actually it mostly reinforces it, Spain and Italy are still pretty high up on your list as well. In ten years stats probably change some, but probably not a whole lot. Shov
  4. S

    Age Cap There ya go, like I said though, it's from 2000. They stopped doing them because of the complexity according to the website. Lots of other interesting stats there too. Shov.
  5. S

    Age Cap

    The WHO has Finland ranked at 31st in the world, but that's from 2000, US was 37th, that's just best health care system. They had plenty of other stats I didn't look at completely. Couldn't find a more recent one yet. France was pretty consistanyly at the top. Impressive. EDIT...
  6. S

    Age Cap

    What I've found so far: "It has been estimated that nearly one-fifth of the uninsured population is able to afford insurance, almost one quarter is eligible for public coverage, and the remaining 56% need financial assistance (8.9% of all Americans).[9] An estimated 5 million of those without...
  7. S

    Age Cap

    I've seen no evidence to support that the majority of that 45 million are "mostly young adults". As in under 30 years old. I just haven't seen any proof of that. Not to mention the numbers of those 45 million that have pre-existing conditions that can't get private coverage now for their...
  8. S

    Age Cap

    What if you didn't know you were at risk? Many people don't know they're at risk for something before it happens. If one knew that they had a condition, very likely they wouldn't be able to get insurance after the fact. If you find out before being insured it's too late. It would be...
  9. S

    Age Cap

    This is where the inexperience shows. That assumption is just that, an assumption with no evidence supporting it. The assumption isn't more solid because it's yours. That's several hospitals, I've had to more around a bit for job purposes, all hospitals take my insurance, just not all...
  10. S

    Age Cap

    By adding 45 million people, a lot of which could be high risk. Assuming that all 45 million are mostly healthy is not a safe assumption. Again your assuming other people are being by-passed. I haven't experienced that at all. Patients usually being seem quickly and efficiently is my...
  11. S

    Age Cap

    What you know about Medicaid doesn't seem to be much: Virtually all facilities accept Medicaid, in fact more so than the private insurance I currently hold. And the coverage is 100%. Zero dollars out of pocket for Medicaid holders. I've seen zero proof that Medicaid is inferior, or the...
  12. S

    Age Cap

    I understand, stuff happens, maybe it was a busy day there, who knows. It's not much, it just comes down to choices. Do I want to be able to choose how much I pay for health care, or do I want the government to choose for me. I'd rather choose. I'd wager so would a large part of the 45...
  13. S

    Age Cap

    Per capita MAYBE, overall cost no. We have 45 million (according to Mutant's numbers) uninsured, they pay nothing now, they will probably pay nothing after being covered as well. Increased costs for everyone else. So I'm not buying your general theory either. We should dump 280 million...
  14. S

    Age Cap

    Cheaper always means better right? Those numbers a bit skewed though as well, comparing a country of 300+ million people and a country of 5 million (Finland, Singapore) is like apples and oranges. IE, it's easier to determine a solution for the masses when the masses are tiny cost wise. The...
  15. S

    Age Cap

    If you can't afford insurance, in MOST cases you can get some version of Medicaid, which costs you nothing, and still have all the benefits of the privately insured. MOST of the 20-30 million uninsured Americans fall into this category. However, several million of those probably choose to be...
  16. S

    Age Cap

    That's the problem when it's "free" (hah!), everyone uses it, and you'll wait, and wait, and wait. Everyone with a hang-nail will get treated at the HOSPITAL. Everyone with a runny nose, will get treated at the HOSPITAL. Craziness. Funny that you mention the 'pay out the ass' system, plenty...
  17. S

    Age Cap

    You don't have a doctor you can see, or take a sick child(fever or something lame) to? Just the local aid station where you'll see whatever doctor is around? Doesn't seem so great. The Family Practitioner "system" is in place to field the easy, non-emergency type stuff. Usually a doctor of...
  18. S

    Age Cap

    Still, go to the family practitioner, they write you a referral for an x-ray, and send you to a place that, that's all they do is x-rays, and you'll know what's going on with your wrist. Take like 1.5 hours for the doc and the x-ray. If it's broken, you may have to go to the hospital, if it's...
  19. S

    Age Cap

    No offense, but this is why there are problems with the Health Care systems, people going into the hospital for mundane things their family practitioner could have easily handled. And probably would've taken less than an hour. Same as with the OP going into the hospital with a wrist sprain...
  20. S

    Pre-order Fallout: New Vegas and get coasters & coupon

    Would anyone in NMA land be kind enough to pick me one of these up and mail it to me, I'll ofcourse pay all expenses. Not a K-Mart within 200 miles of me :(