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  1. S

    Feargus Urquhart interview on Gamasutra

    Kraddath, just FYI, the first FPS dates way back to 1973. The first Isometric is from around 1983! eek...isometric is the newer style/look/preference. Fancy that, I like my FPSs just fine, but to say they are better somehow.....just stinks of ..... falsehood.
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    Brazilian UFO Sighting

    This one time I accidentally mistook a bird (sparrow) for a UFO, then it crapped in my general direction, and I was thinking these aliens will go to any extreme to keep their cover from being blown, true story!
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    Feargus Urquhart interview on Gamasutra

    How does Mor explain the fact that FPS have been around just as long as isometric? Longer in fact now that I think about it. So much for his theory.
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    Brazilian UFO Sighting

    It's obviously a weather balloon, or possibly V'ger.
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    Feargus Urquhart interview on Gamasutra

    I won't speak for a group or anyone other than myself, I'll just relate my thoughts: My first experience with Fallout 1 was in 1997, maybe about a month after it was released. I was 20 and my brother had purchased it for his computer repair/upgrade/sales shop as kind of an attention grabber...
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    Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

    Best rant I've read today. The Justin Beiber bit was a nice touch. Thanks Mobucks.
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    Favorite Faction and what you would do if you were a member

    Water merchants with the Hub, cause I'm a greedy bastage.
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    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    4 pages about this stupidity. I figured I'd have come in here and seen that you guys had solved world hunger or something. 4 pages started by a topic of pure laziness....
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    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Look the same maybe, except with updated info. New picture and so on, and another one after you move? Sounds fine to me, the cops need to know where to pick you up after your crime spree. See all legit reasons. The system has it's flaws, none of which you've mentioned yet though. Everything...
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    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Provided by the state for free? It's like $15 damn dollars, should the state provide a life time of toilet paper too, hey it's a necessity after all. (I guess you could just hop in to the DMV anytime you wanna take a dump and use their toilet paper, but ewww...not for me) I can't see how...
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    Crazies the Movie

    Exactly it! So you've seen it then?!
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    When you call someone a Neanderthal...

    Doesn't surprise me at all, probably banging pretty much whatever moved back then. Kinda like now heh.
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Iraq 2009: 7.5 million of more than 14 million registered voters went to the polls, more than 50% (only 22 millon or so total people in the country, I guess the other 8 million are under voting age maybe) U.S. 2008: 231 million registered US voters, 132 million of which voted in 2008 =...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    I try. They weren't civilians just because the video text says there were. Most were armed, watch the guys in back ground closely, you can see the two guys with the cameras, in addition to the gunmen in the back ground. Negating, depends on perspective, more than 1 million dead NVA...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Actually it has been used this way since it's inception 50 years ago. If anything a few rockets on top of that would have been fine. Glad you're getting upset about this now though. Well it is a city after all, we invited the insurgents to come out to the open country side to do battle and...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    The US military expects the same, we render aid to all sides after a conflict, countless insurgents have been nursed back to health by our Dr's and nurses. We could have just left them to rot. Our Dr's and nurses aren't the only ones either, how about the GI's that lift them into the choppers...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    You'd be right about the ROE in this case if it weren't for one thing. They mistakenly thought the guy poking his head around the corner with the camera was trying to fire at them. They THOUGHT they were under fire. Once they THINK they are under fire, all bets are off. Us knowing ahead of...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Nope, the intro to the short version states that some of the men were armed. Just re-watched it. Watching the FULL version at 2:15-2:00 watching some of the guys in the background they are clearly carrying weapons, and one appears to be an RPG. What ever it is it's very long and heavy, as he...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    It's relevant to him portraying the UN/NATO having better judgment/morals than the U.S. military. Bad judgment/accidents can happen anywhere at anytime to anyone, regardless of which side of an imaginary geographical line you come from. It happens more to U.S. personnel due to our...
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    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Wait a sec Arronax, That link you provided didn't say US killed 100k Iraqis. It said that 100k civilians have died. Thousands upon thousands were killed by a variety of things. Suicide bombers, legitimate crossfire and a Civil war that lasted a couple years. Hell the Iranians are...