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  1. G

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2: Weapons Redone v2.3

    Magnus, I'll continue playing thru this weekend into the end of next week before I pm the details the last thing I want to do is to piss off the few mac users that do play Fallout 2 heh.
  2. G

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Been an avid Fan of Fallout 1 & 2 for years and years. I've been lurking here for a good 2-3 years haha, tonight I finally decided to register and start posting. I've never played tactics or POS, sooner or later I will get around to playing tactics and continue to laugh when I see POS in the...
  3. G

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2: Weapons Redone v2.3

    Hey Magnus, I have no idea if this has been posted about the F2WR mod regarding OS X but here goes..... Being a mac user I've felt rather left out as far as mods go and decided to fool around with files and bit and figured out how to get the mod to work in the OS X version of the game. I'm...
  4. G

    FOnline travellog

    This game has some real potential, I look forward to playing this the next time the beta is open.
  5. G

    Van Buren Artist?

    I've had his Van Buren concept art as my desktop for the longest time too, thanks for the link.