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  1. R


    Prom Night was too paint by numbers to be a bar setting terrible movie. Don't get me wrong, it was still terrible.
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    What?......umm someone found Bigfoot

    Oh, I thought this was about someone interviewing Billie Jean King
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    looks to be the most hilariously terrible horror movie missed call, maybe?
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    Industrial music and related genres

    All of you kids need to listen to Alec Empire vs. Elvis Presley It makes Elvis' music tolerable
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    Zeitgiest, or how the bankers slave us all

    The electric chair has four legs...JUST AS THERE ARE FOUR SEASONS
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    Zeitgiest, or how the bankers slave us all

    Note: Good Time Slim and Uncle Doobie are not reliable sources of information.
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    Industrial music and related genres

    Well, I was at a bar with a couple of the guys who were working on Fallout. And I was low on cash and in order to keep from having to buy the next round of beers I agreed to do some voiceovers. I play some video games. Pac-Man is fucking badass.
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    Getting old games

    Gaming stores on occasion have older games, older meaning like 10 or more years old games. Just try some second hand shops.
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    Industrial music and related genres

    Sigourney Weaver. Despite her being older, she, as Paul Barman says in his song, has a "horny beaver". And the joke was on Blade, because he never ended up using it on me, he used it on his (UNBEKNOWNST TO HIM...the familiar part, that is) familiar sidekick.
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    Zeitgiest, or how the bankers slave us all

    Don't you think it's more than a coincidence Jesus was a Jew? Yeah, think about it.
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    Industrial music and related genres

    As long as it gets me the benjamins and the gash, I ain't complainin'
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    Industrial music and related genres

    Throbbing Gristle Cabaret Voltaire Psychic TV Einsturdze Neubaten Coil Alec Empire/other digital hardcore stuff Front Line Assembly Velvet Acid Christ
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    Industrial music and related genres

    I prefer dimly lit industrial
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    Bernie Mac - Dead at 50.

    This is bamboozling
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    Zeitgiest, or how the bankers slave us all

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    Industrial music and related genres

    Godflesh is good and is also nominally industrial
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    Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

    If liking Joss Whedon is the path the Internet chose, I disavow the Internet
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    Industrial music and related genres

    Let us all argue what real industrial is and whether or not it has died or whether it was ever alive to begin with. I am a fan of KMFDM, Acumen Nation, Cyanotic, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Suicide Commando, etc.
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    Terminator 4: Salvation

    Because T3 shit all over the "the future is not decided yet" bent of T2 with "predestination rulz".
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    Who'd win? Terminator or Robocop?

    Robocop, because he was a better cyborg.