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    Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

    Joss Whedon is the Antichrist, who brings nothing but beigeist entertainment to self-involved yuppie idiots
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    Comics and graphic novels

    Comics, comics and more comics let's talk about everyone's favorite dying art form everyone
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    Obama's Speech in Berlin

    His version of choking on a pretzel will be choking on colorless mush
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    Obama's Speech in Berlin

    Now it's much more profitable to make a country your bitch
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    Obama's Speech in Berlin

    Yeah, why did they turn their backs on us by not aiding us in the glorious purification of Iraq THOSE BASTARDS
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    Gordon Freeman is in Critical Condition

    No, Will Smith is affable big eared non-threatening black guy
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    Gordon Freeman is in Critical Condition

    who will be sage magical negro now
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    Obama's Speech in Berlin

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    Solzhenitsyn, 20th-century oracle, dies
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    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Any $3 corner shop piss available Right now I'm drinking Tisdale Chardonnay It's made of crows
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    Gathering of the Vibes 08'

    A celebration of the wonderful history of the magazine "Vibe"
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    Conservapedia is the only online encyclopedia you can trust.
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    Wikipedia you're saying the banana doesn't disprove evolution? YOU'RE GOING TO HELL FOR THAT BLASPHEMY, SON
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    FOX to develop live action Cowboy Bebop !?

    you're probably one of those hippies who didn't think matthew broderick's godzilla was a cinematic tour de force
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    Noted fascist dislikes Obama

    the radio signals in your teeth deleted the posts
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    THE PUNISHER Warzone w/ Titus Pullo !

    Weekly starting in December, goes for 6 issues, arc is titled "Return of Ma Gnucci", art by Dillon, takes place during Marvel Knights run (well, obviously)
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    Noted fascist dislikes Obama

    How do the reptilians fit into this?
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    Why is no one talking about the Watchmen trailer?

    Zack Synder IS known for his complexity, subtlety, and sheer narrative power.
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    THE PUNISHER Warzone w/ Titus Pullo !

    The Garth Ennis miniseries entitled Punisher War Zone will be better.
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    Batman Beats Family

    stupid news reporters BATMAN'S MOM IS DEAD