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  1. C

    Costs of developing Wasteland

    Very cheap I'd say. Games programmers back then worked far longer hours for less pay than today. Advertising was cheaper and less sophisticated. Printing and Duping costs were the only other real expense. Then again returns were not so high either. ( slow burn does help, Simon the...
  2. C

    Interplay's Fallout MMO

    I found it quite amusingly quick with the plasma cannon, plus the melting critical animation was one of my favourites... I'd love to see that melting occuring in FO3, but give the nature of the beast, I don't expect to see it. ( I'm 100% certain that using a bone based animation system it...
  3. C

    Interplay's Fallout MMO

    I found EVE came close(ish) to getting that side of things working. However EVE stumbles badly on the grind, and min/max'ing of equipment. However I remember the days when Goonfleet was a horde of newbies going out and trashing established player groups.
  4. C

    Interplay's Fallout MMO

    Agreed, also PK'ing evolves organically, UO used to have Anti-PK squads which would at least improve areas where players were being targetted by PKs Other people worked within the PK mold, to play Orcs, which meant that more adventureous players could battle very dangerous foes indeed...
  5. C

    Interplay's Fallout MMO

    Sorrow, such a game would be easily creatable and would probably be based around much improved player co-operation, rather than just simple group's which exist within MMORPGS today. To see such games in action, you should look at the LARP Fest community, where starting characters are "nearly"...
  6. C

    Interplay's Fallout MMO

    If I may? Starwars Galaxies included it (at least for Jedi) in its early days. However player support was overwhelmingly negative, the uproar on the boards so bad, that Sony caved in and ordered it cut from the game. Of course Sony would go on to utterly wreak SWG, :x I curse thee...
  7. C

    New Fallout 3 Screenshots

    A lack of support caused by the developer (Headfirst) going under as soon as Call of Cthulhu was published... I dont think anyone at HF was prepared to write a patch for a game they a) No longer was being paid to develop. b) No longer had access to the source code.