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  1. 7

    Old School weaponry

    Yea, if you hit somone in the back of the head with a machety you dont expect them to keep comming for you, but the same can be said for a gun, you shoot somone with a shotgun and they ARNT going to keep coming for you. Its a game, cant have it real or you would die on the first enemy.
  2. 7

    Assasin's weapon

    Good point, in the Fallout Universe the rather than going to all the trouble of making the weapon, they are much more likly to hire a band of raiders of form a gang and then overrun the metal detetor. Rape, Pillage and Burn!
  3. 7

    Old School weaponry

    Play Fallout 2.
  4. 7

    Fallout Fan Fiction: A HoloDisk Tale.

    Thanks for the crit, heres the next installment, please point out mistaked if you see them in this version so I will know what to correct. By the way I am using English Spelling (not American) if that is the cause of the errors of which you speak. <Recording starts>The patrol helped me...
  5. 7

    Assasin's weapon

    Assassin weapons are a great idea, like Porcelin guns (or whatever htere made of) that can go undetected by Metal Detectors, Silences would be a welcome additions, and Assassin specific weapons like Piano Wire and more darts with poison, sleep, paralasis etc. Also, as mentioned earlier NPC's...
  6. 7

    Fallout Fan Fiction: A HoloDisk Tale.

    Fallout Fan Fiction: A HoloDisk Tale. [Thanks to “DarkLegacy” for the original concept and idea.] ==HoloDisk Entry – 11th October, 2242. Time: 1343. <Recording starts> Eight fucking hours in this Virtibird, eight long slow hours, and for what? Our mission was classified as being “Top...
  7. 7

    Fallout 3 Location

    I agree, it wouldnt be the same as fallout, it wouldnt have that same afventurus feel to it, however Fallout needs a solid quailty game to bring back its name after craptics and one large city map or at least a map that isnt spread over half the continent is exactly, I belive, what will deliver...
  8. 7

    Fallout 3 Location

  9. 7

    Fallout 3 Location

    I think perhaps it could work well if you had a detailed worldmap between two large cities, it could have a rail system inbetween and there could be settlements dotted around inbetween aswell. Even an old millitary base built into the mountains. The area could be cut off from the rest of the...
  10. 7

    The Rat God(s)

    Though so, thanks.
  11. 7

    Fallout 3 Location

    I personally dont think it would be a good idea to have a whole world map, there is no way you could fit the whole world into a game, not with any form of detail or realism anyway. A good idea, which I heard was originally going to be in F3 is for it to be set in 1 large city, a very nice...
  12. 7

    The Rat God(s)

    Ok, I have heard that the Giant Mole rat/Rat in Gecko under the half built powerplant is a referance to "Pinky and the Brain". My question is this; If you kill the Rat god in Klamath and then go to the one in Gecko, it says "My mate is dead, there is nothing left for me here." Or somthing...
  13. 7

    Bunker 21 Mod

    I'll have to check this one out..
  14. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    The troop gathered there things and prepared to move out, Tim took another look at the road in the distance through his binoculars. It was a hazey morning and a thin mist had moved in over night, the morning sun beaming through the breaks in the mist. Looking through the binoculars Tim could...
  15. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    Tim stretched his legs quickly and followed the group as they made there way hastfully away from the city side of the mountain, Tim noticed that the group didnt really seem to be organised with no clear leader or high araki but though nothing of it. He had been hoping to find a well organised...
  16. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission) - [OoC]

    LOL, will do... I was trying to think of a way to incorperate my 'XG-35 super heated plasma pistol enhancement experiment' accident and that heard of bramin with the one heads into this RP... We shall miss your charicter... though in truth he wont really be dead... just... he'll be one with...
  17. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    Yea I was going for the whole, kill the thiefs with great easy look when I wrote that, want the readers to know just how easy it is for him to kill :) Post Fallout? this is Pre Fallout lol :) Killians dad is running the store :) And yes there is more on the way, thanks for the comments.
  18. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    Tim is introduced to all the others by name and shakes a few hands. "You are not cut off from your vault perminatly, just while you are on this mountain, as soon as we leave the general area the magnetic interference will drop and you should have full radio contace again." "Whats all this...
  19. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    *sorry double post.
  20. 7

    Some Fallout Wallpapers

    Nice, I think the lightning one is best, most striking. The desert backround one is a little common but still looks good.