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  1. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    It was night time now. Tim had put a nice bit of distance between him and city at this point and was climbing up the winding mountain paths on his bike. Just then there was a crackle and a buzz from his backpack. Tim slowed down, stopped and swung his bag around infront of him, reaching...
  2. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    Tim causiously began making his way through the abandoned city at about 20 MPH, the debris and rubble scattered all over the road prevented him from driving much faster. As he got deeper into the city he began seeing more and more odd graffiti, the brownish red paint seemed very recent in some...
  3. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    Pt 3: I walked around to the front of the Pitt and began making my way south east through town. As I approched 'Gizmo's Casino' I had been to preocupied before to notice the rotating red neon sign. Inside I could hear slot machines and card tables being played by the foolish and desperate...
  4. 7

    EU2 Multiplayer Game

    Whats EU2?
  5. 7

    Art Contest!

    Like I said, When I get my scanner working. :)
  6. 7

    Playing with Fire

    hahaha, I like it. stupid yet satidfying... akunamatada... ¬_¬ Pity he missed the guys head, and this guy must be some kind of moron to wear ruber gloves when somone is going to throw fire at you.
  7. 7

    air purifier???

    Dear me, playing Fallout with editor help to complete a quest? tsk tsk tsk. Whats the point of playing the game if your just going to cheat your way to what you want? Save often, Load if you cock up, See what happens when you complete the game. There is now RIGHT way to do things in...
  8. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    Tim walked out of the vault inner door and through the main entrance room which served as a decontamination area on most vaults. He walked out of the open main vault door, the four foot thick steel door was nearly always open on Tim's vault. After a short walk through man made cave Tim was...
  9. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission) - [OoC]

    Will do, thanks.
  10. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    Pt 2: I stepped through the hollowed out truck carcase that served as the front gate to Junk Town, the gaurd on the door eyed me menecingly as I passed him. I had visited this place once before, some years ago when it was just a scrap heap and a few sheds, now it had grown into a full blown...
  11. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission) - [OoC]

    Just a though, If I do join the RP, how will it be done? Should I come from the vault or should I be from the wastes? If I were to come from the vault then we would need another re enforcing party or somthing similar. If from the wastes then I cant see how I would of aquired all the vault...
  12. 7

    Art Contest!

    Yea, When I get my scanner loaded up and running I will start makin some comic pics, I have always wanted to draw a comic for F2
  13. 7

    Art Contest!

    Good idea, post it in a new thread. What it the genre of the comic going to be? Serious of comical? My contrabution (serious), === Pic1: A child, age apx 15/16 running out of a small shady sands style hut that is ablaze in a small settlement. Raiders are half way through a siege...
  14. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission) - [OoC]

    You can have them as your selected two traits in Fallout so I don't see a problem. Also - I will make my initial IIC post blank and await Zoe's approval. Meantime I will be catching up by reading the RP so far. Thanks for the advice etc, I am quite new to Forums. OOC - Out of...
  15. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission) - [OoC]

    Sorry, didn't spot this thread and didn't know that I had to ask permission. Sorry. Name: Tim Age: 18 Race: Human Gender: male Height: 6' Weight: 73kg Hair: dark Eyes: Dark brown Nationality: Born and raised in England PRIMARY STATS ST: 8 PE: 7 EN: 5 CH: 5 IN...
  16. 7

    A new day has come (New Mission)

    *Delete Me*
  17. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    Sorry yes I just read the rules. I do appolagise.
  18. 7

    Games workshop whatever

    "Trust not the Alien, the heritic and the mutant." Should be getting W40K - Dawn of War soon. There is a new rule book out, its about an extra inch thicker then its predecessor.
  19. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    OMG, WTF ^^^^^ Nice lol, nice twist on teh posts.
  20. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    Aye, I respect all ur crit, Next post will b written in Word (spell check) and will have better setting, this was just a quick thing I slapped together to set up teh backround. Note teh Fallout 1 references (Most from Harolds Story fo far.) More will come and it will be presentable, I promise :).