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    Censors force Fallout 3 changes

    No huge deal, just as long as they change the names to something Fallout-esque.
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    Minimalist FO3 wallpaper

    That was from a scanned book, I had to clean the image up :wink: And I am on a 30", so yes, I use 2560x1600.
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    Regarding three silly reasons that Fallout 3 is Stupid.

    Someone post that official FO3 screenshot where it shows the same asset (model) of a house 3-4 times in the same scene.
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    Silverfall RPG (Steampunk/Magic)

    Really? Perhaps they fixed that by now.
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    "Evil" as it is presented in the modern storylines

    Another disturbing trend I see in modern FPS's are: America is the world's sole superpower of good, shining white knight crusading against the evil, bad, "terrorists" with AK's.
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    Ipod question

    Apple's fascist filedata structure is what kept me off from getting an iPod.
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    Minimalist FO3 wallpaper

    Shopped something up really quick and simple. For those who doesn't want a complex wallpaper. 2560x1600: If your desktop is smaller, it should be relatively simple to crop it into a smaller resolution :wink:
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    Silverfall RPG (Steampunk/Magic)

    I consider Silverfall a hidden diamond in the rough. It's mostly got bad reviews, but after its expansion pack, which modifies the original game, I find it to be a fantastic action RPG. I like the gameplay mechanic that allows you to choose between a nature(Magic etc) alliance or...
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    Any other PC games from pre 2000 that would interest me?

    Operation Flashpoint is my number one favorite computer game of all time. Too bad ArmA is plagued with bugs. Still fun. Hopefully ArmA 2 and OPF2 will be good.
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    Boast Your Fallout Box's,Also: Localizations Suck (F3 split)

    I still got one more FO:T and FO:2 coming. I also have one big original box of Arcanum. Those are rare!
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    What is your 'American Dream'?

    Crush American imperialism.
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    The Official Nuclear Smiley!

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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    One of the greatest movies ever. But points lost of technicality. 5/10
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    Time Limit?

    Yeah, I think the biggest thing that tend to lose new players is the time limit missions the player is immediately given in FO1/2.
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    Who else is on the 4870x2 bandwagon?

    I'm liking mine so far, except for the immature drivers. I also recently picked up 4x1000GB drives with a drobo 8-) I eat nothing but bread and juice these days.
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    So, can someone tell me the story between Fallout:BOS &

    So, can someone tell me the story between Fallout:BOS & I've been reading through the achieved forums, and there seemed to have some grudge between the developers and NMA. Can anyone tell us a story regarding Fallout:BOS and us?