Search results

  1. Muttie

    RP 2.3.3 modernized

    RP 2.3.3 modernized [2500 words, plus a copy & paste of the full changelog (set in spoiler) which can be skipped (it's not that interesting, only if you really want to get into it] I wanted to play RP mod but found that the sfall from 2014 is too out of date (missing features etc). So I looked...
  2. Muttie

    Uploading on NMA – How?

    WM2 (patch 1.0a) is finished and I would like to upload it permanently now. It would make it easier for me if I could do it on NMA. This is what I want to upload: What do I have to do? [Note: The above link is complete and can be used (if inclined), however, once...
  3. Muttie

    Fixing Brahmin (1.02d) : plus extras

    This is for ZcBrahmn, but may also be applied (in part) to EcBrahmn, EcCrtBra and so on... -OPTIONAL : Talk proc: may utilize the existing talk lines (103 & 104) in the msg. Example, procedure talk_p_proc begin if (random(1,10) == 10) then begin display_msg(mstr(104)); end else...
  4. Muttie

    Fixes for the original (1.02d) DOOR and CONTAINR scripts

    Introduction (500 words, followed by an OPTIONAL changelog w/ all the details) I had a break (kind of). After which I've decided to rebuild the box scripts for WM2 and while at it check them for fundamental issues. (bit of ground research as a side-benefit – or possibly main-benefit...). Which...
  5. Muttie

    Wasteland Merc 2 patch 1.0 (preview/test)

    As a small side-project I put together a patch for WM2. Here is a preview: This includes the patched game (ready to be played), a readme explaining it (you only have to read the first part, the rest is just technical stuff for those inclined), and a xfiles folder...
  6. Muttie

    Push Option for dude

    I had some fun with obj_dude: procedure description_p_proc begin reg_anim_func(2, dude_obj); reg_anim_func(1, 1); reg_anim_animate(dude_obj, 49, -1); float_msg(dude_obj, message_str(1, random(200, 207)), 8); metarule3(100, self_obj, 21, 0); add_timer_event(dude_obj...
  7. Muttie

    Mapper: SW corner glitch and other

    I did some work with the BiS mapper (fixed for hi-res), for one to clean up some maps, but mostly to learn using it. While doing so I came upon a map based on “Cafe of Broken Dreams” and it had some random SAI blockers. My first thought was that this was another “old remnant” that needs to be...
  8. Muttie

    Fo2: Encounters & Team number function

    [EDIT: I decided to remove my rubbish and replace it with a summary.] Team_num function of worldmap.txt: An option to assign encounters a “team_num=<#>”. It seems as if an encounter (EDIT: proto) assigns every critter without a script a default team number. The “team_num” function allows to...
  9. Muttie

    Fo2: when master.dat is set to a different language (for modders & users)

    NOTE: This may only be a problem of a few (I think: French & German only, and possibly also only CD and not GoG or Steam versions, but I never seen/used either of those two). However, it can cause a lot of problems at the user end, while Modders can easily make most of these problems go away by...
  10. Muttie

    FEV & radiation in Fo1

    This is a continuation of contemplating FEV/radiation in Fo1 sparked by the idea of Fixt to “not only dip the vault-dweller” but to “continue play after that” and the consequential questions: what does this mean, how will it play out, what is possible, what is impossible, how would SPECIAL look...
  11. Muttie

    Fallout 2 - Proto Manager v1.1.4

    These are mostly my experiences so far using the Proto Manager. @Mr.Stalin Feedback: - It seems not possible to simple run down the lists using arrow keys (as you can in F2wedit), well you can, but it won't show any values (:)). Having the option to open several windows for comparison is cool...
  12. Muttie

    Fallout Frm Archive?

    Are there frms available for download anywhere? I'm looking specifically for FO2 frms from BD to BM and RD to RM :wink:. I did some quick search and couldn't find anything. Any ideas, comments or suggestions?
  13. Muttie

    Great Bend (sneaking robot?)

    A long time ago I did play tactics and during the Great Bend mission (wipe all robots) I have the distinct memory that I found a “sneaking robot” on the SE junk yard. And after killing that one I did not had to kill the “pacification robot” which could then be salvaged for study and General...
  14. Muttie

    [FO1] Tell Me About: a comprehensive list

    (Note: This could also be posted under Fallout 1, but as I used the Fallout_Fixt mod, it's kind of ambivalent. I guess it belongs here, but regarding Tell me About Tellmeabout Tell_me_about there probably isn't much difference between the versions. Although it seems Fixt has actually „drum-roll“...
  15. Muttie

    Comments on Darek's/Morticia's Supplementary Guide RP Mod 2.3.3

    I've found a few points in the supplementary guide that could be improved: EDIT: Other topics (like item lists, additions to a stupid playthrough etc.) follow in the posts after. - Cat Jules starting AP is listed as 8, but I believe it's 9. - A mentioning of how to find Sam Pritchard's Map is...
  16. Muttie

    Fallout 2 restoration project 2.3.3 Comments

    Hi, Fallout had always a fascination, but the games were so bug-infested that I never could really enjoy them. In fact the last game I've played was New Vegas and after a long struggle trying to work my way around bugs (and corrupted save-files) rather than actual gameplay I became so...