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  1. Kyoto

    actual 1960s post-nuclear apocalpyse sim?

    So while some games do heavily lean into the 50s/60s vibes, and originals feel more generically post-apoc. Are there any actual games or movies that simulate post-nuclear apocaplyse in the 1960s setting, genuinely. Without syfy robots or mutants or power armor. But an actual attempt at the setting?
  2. Kyoto

    3d Fallout 1 & 2?

    If modders or a dev created such versions, would you support such a project?
  3. Kyoto

    Lack of "modern" weapons & armour

    Where are all the guns from the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s, 2060s? Why is everything old 20th century weapons or lasers/plasma. This comes off as very blatant inconsistency.