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  1. S

    Some annoyances I want answers to...

    ... are listed below. If you've got any good answers, I want to know! 1) What's the big whoop about XML for data storage? What's wrong with a friggin' text file? Or ye olde INI files? 2) At what point does a given piece of software become 'Enterprise Level'? Is that when all previously...
  2. S

    MOD : NPC Enhancement - Miria 1.0 Enhancement - Miria If that doesn't work, type : into your web browser. When prompted, use "fallout", LOWER CASE, as both the user and password. Go to the Fallout directory, and grab away. This...
  3. S

    F2 NPC Levelling : A warning about editing prototypes

    Having hurt my brain over the last few days over this, I figured I'd impart my wondrous knowledge upon this board. I've played F2 many times now, and each time I felt that there was a missed opportunity in the form of Miria/Davin. As you all know, they suck a$$. Some of you no doubt think...