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  1. DarkCorp

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    My sympathies to the Ukrainian nation.
  2. DarkCorp

    Cybernetics and Biomechanics

    Tried to google but quick search got nothing. So in Deus Ex, Adam Jensen and JC Denton SHOULD feel pain right? Unless the chip imparts finely tuned motor control for their limbs via no pain like pressure. I wonder because when Adam breaks locks, it doesn't seem to hurt him. Also, what are...
  3. DarkCorp

    Transformers 86 movie. Hot Rod killed Prime and he is a PoS.

    Felt nostalgic. Optimus Prime clearly had the shot and even said, 'Your blocking my shot'. Oh yea, fuck Hot Rod.
  4. DarkCorp

    Solo Frank Horrigan?

    I guess that means taking on the turrets and the squad as well. Tried to find youtube videos but none are available.
  5. DarkCorp

    Even the CDC prepares for a zombie apocalypse Yes folks, even the CDC is "hip", to the zombie disaster. Both metaphorically and literally. Very funny.
  6. DarkCorp

    2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

    The U.N. has passed a resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya. Strong words from western nations in regards to Ghaddafis military response to protestors and civil unrest. Anyone else thinks this could possibly spiral out to the rest of the middle east? Lead to a Fallout-sh war??
  7. DarkCorp

    End Of The World Are we truly headed for a PA world not from war but from lack of natural resources?
  8. DarkCorp

    [BoS writing contest] Fallout 3 BOS

    Fallout 3 BOS The steel plague, the metal scourge, the enclave. Remnants of the former shadow government. The very heathens who had abused technology and brought forth both the great fire and the green death. The elders knew that this threat had to be dealt with quickly. Within a few...
  9. DarkCorp


    Just saw the movie and it was very kickass. Go watch.
  10. DarkCorp

    Believe it or not? Man must have been really fucked up on something.
  11. DarkCorp

    NEWB here

    I want to join a new story, but I am quite new here. Just wondering which story should I rp in, oh so many?