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  1. 7

    Fallout Fan Fiction: A HoloDisk Tale.

    Fallout Fan Fiction: A HoloDisk Tale. [Thanks to “DarkLegacy” for the original concept and idea.] ==HoloDisk Entry – 11th October, 2242. Time: 1343. <Recording starts> Eight fucking hours in this Virtibird, eight long slow hours, and for what? Our mission was classified as being “Top...
  2. 7

    The Rat God(s)

    Ok, I have heard that the Giant Mole rat/Rat in Gecko under the half built powerplant is a referance to "Pinky and the Brain". My question is this; If you kill the Rat god in Klamath and then go to the one in Gecko, it says "My mate is dead, there is nothing left for me here." Or somthing...
  3. 7

    Mark's Tale.

    Another shot richocheyd off the wall, francine ducked behind a metal barrle, I was already prone behind a robot recharge pad. I stood up and began laying into the security bots with my Assault Rifle, Francine kicked herself up from behind the barrle and opened up on the bots with her sniper...