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  1. MIB88

    Scripting issue - Checking invisibility

    I was trying to fix a potential problem in the MM with invisible critters. While trying to come up with a solution, I realized that the fix could also be used to add a couple of elements to the MM that I've wanted. So, obviously critters and scenery can be set to be visible or invisible. But...
  2. MIB88

    Hunger systems

    I know there are are hunger systems in Last Hope and also the Global Mod. The systems don't really operate the same, though. Last Hope seems to require the player character to eat/drink directly, and suffer penalties if too hungry or dehydrated (with bonuses which may take effect soon after...
  3. MIB88

    Un-marking a town location

    Have a few ideas which would require un-marking a town location on the worldmap. Tried using the script function of mark area known to 0, but that didn't work. Used it in another critter's script in dialog rather than the obj_dude script, though, but that shouldn't matter. Right? Anyone out...
  4. MIB88

    Help using the official mapper

    So, I am all out of ideas. I'm trying to add the submarine map from the Restoration Project (RP) to the Megamod (MM). I don't want to have to recreate the whole map. To this end, I have done what I have always done to include a new map: I install the mod to some location, open the map in the...
  5. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Edit for 9/2/2023: So here is the latest version of the Megamod, version 2.47.8. I'll clean up the rest of this post later, if/when an installer is made. For now, you can grab the manual version of the mod here: Megamod version 2.47.8...
  6. MIB88

    Help with Restoration Project

    Looking to merge the Restoration Project with the Megamod (finally) and I could really use some assistance from those who REALLY know the RP. I need to know what new items are on the various maps. New scripts and critters will stick out... they are easy to identify. However, new items can be on...
  7. MIB88

    Scripting help with inventory

    Looking for some help with something. I am trying to come up with a way to count specific items in a critter's inventory. I am not looking for a simple =, <, or > value. I want to be able to call the exact number of instances of a certain item in inventory. For example, while talking to...
  8. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    June 5, 2016: A new release is available, version 2.46, and it can be found here: It is a full repack and is the only version you need. You can add it on top of an existing game or to a fresh install, since no files were removed in this version...
  9. MIB88

    Pelicano's NPC Loot mod

    Is anyone still using this mod? This mod is supposed to make NPCs loot nearby corpses. I have it installed in the Megamod and it was working when I first installed it a couple of years ago (or more). However, it doesn't seem to be working on my current playthrough. I am not sure if there is some...
  10. MIB88

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    The latest version of the Megamod is now available. You may get it from Nirran's website ( for now, NMA still links to the 2.43 version. Some items from the latest readme: -Klint has been completely rewritten (fixing all bugs and preventing him from being a major...
  11. MIB88

    Megamod 2.43 technical issues and suggestions

    The latest version of the Megamod is out, version 2.43. Please use this thread for bugs related to the latest release. You can find it at Nirran's site:
  12. MIB88

    Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

    The latest version of the Megamod, version 2.4, has been released. Please post any issues regarding it in this new thread. As I stated in another thread, you need at least MM version 2.35 already installed in order to make use of this version. Edit: If you don't want the lootable armor aspect...
  13. MIB88

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    Ok, so 2.35 is out at a couple of places. Wanted to start a new thread about it. I know there are still lots of bugs. (Check the link in my signature to go to the wiki site which has a link to the bugs list.) Here are some recently reported bugs: I don't understand what happened to that...
  14. MIB88

    Modders beware - apparent dialog limit

    Well, it appears as though I've found a dialog limit while modding. I have been trying to add another mod to the Megamod, and couldn't figure out why all scripts related to it kept crashing the game. Everything seemed to work fine in the mapper, but not the game. The scripts seem to work fine in...
  15. MIB88

    script in mapper vs. game problem

    OK, I can't figure this out. Anybody out there have any ideas why a script attached to a critter works perfectly in the mapper, but not in the game? I have encountered this issue in reverse, before, where a script works fine in the game but not in the mapper. I currently have a new script...
  16. MIB88

    Need help with Vault 23

    Has anyone out there gotten this mod to work? It is a mod that is supposed to work with TeamX's New Vision mod. It adds another vault location to explore, some really difficult critters to kill, and a new critter from Fallout Tactics. I have the mod ready to put into the Megamod... most of...
  17. MIB88

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Ok, so a thread for the latest version of the Megamod, since the other had gotten so large, and the first 65 pages or so are irrelevant to anything before the 2.1 release. I don't know what you mean by this. How about a little context?
  18. MIB88

    modifying the worldmap file

    Quick question regarding the worldmap.txt file in the data folder. Do the numbers in the first half of the file describing what critters and items are found in the random encounters have to add up to 100%? I was going through the megamod's file and the one from Fallout XP (since I am going to...
  19. MIB88

    new gammovie map problem

    I am in need of some help here. I am using a different map for the scene where you first see Horrigan. I wanted something other than just a family appearing in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, the map looks fine. I edited the file governening where people are and who says/does what...
  20. MIB88

    Translated mods?

    Does anyone out there have English translations of the latest Abbey and Den Residential mod locations? As for the Abbey, I have the first one, but the second one has more critters, more dialog, and a better map.