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    WTB: Original Fallout 1 Soundtrack CD

    Name your price!
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    Fallout goodies for sale. PAX Puppet, big box releases, etc

    Hello, I ran into a some financial problems, and now I am desperate to get some cash in any way! :) First, I have the Fallout puppet + other goodies from PAX 2008. The ebay list was more of a test, I'm not actually...
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    Where do I bring fingers to? (Lawbringer perk)

    I have a bunch of fingers, but it's not telling me who I bring them to to sell. How do I find out?
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    Finished Fallout 3. Afterthoughts, etc. Spoilers

    I finished the main storyline quest, and.... ... No free roam? Was this known for a while now? Why, why, why! Why no free roam? I had a bunch of quests I did not finish. Anyway, the game is exceptionally good, but the ending was done poorly. It does not bring a good enough closure...
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    Fallout 3 Classic Music Mod [Download here]

    I made this because I absolutely hate the ambient background music in Fallout 3. A really quick and dirty mod, I'll probably improve upon it later. Fallout 3's soundtrack is pretty easy to modify, since they're in named mp3 files. Behold! The first music "mod" for Fallout 3...
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    OpenPandora (Successor to GP2X + Open source handheld!)

    Some of you may have heard of a little open source handheld called GP2x. This thing is entirely open source, with hundreds of homebrew applications for it. But the best part is the emulators, and the ability to have hundreds of legally backed up ROMS in the palm of your hand. It even emulates...
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    Minimalist FO3 wallpaper

    Shopped something up really quick and simple. For those who doesn't want a complex wallpaper. 2560x1600: If your desktop is smaller, it should be relatively simple to crop it into a smaller resolution :wink:
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    Silverfall RPG (Steampunk/Magic)

    I consider Silverfall a hidden diamond in the rough. It's mostly got bad reviews, but after its expansion pack, which modifies the original game, I find it to be a fantastic action RPG. I like the gameplay mechanic that allows you to choose between a nature(Magic etc) alliance or...
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    Who else is on the 4870x2 bandwagon?

    I'm liking mine so far, except for the immature drivers. I also recently picked up 4x1000GB drives with a drobo 8-) I eat nothing but bread and juice these days.
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    So, can someone tell me the story between Fallout:BOS &

    So, can someone tell me the story between Fallout:BOS & I've been reading through the achieved forums, and there seemed to have some grudge between the developers and NMA. Can anyone tell us a story regarding Fallout:BOS and us?
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    How much does the original Fallout releases sell for?

    I bought Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Arcanum (read: not fallout) for $15 each, and I'm looking to sell them. How much would be the right price for an auction? All comes with the original manuals, inserts, etc. The boxes are in excellent shape. Picture;
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    FO2: They won't let me in the Vault city.

    Hello again, I'm wondering if there is a PEACEFUL way of getting back into the Vault City. My reputation there is "Vilian" cause I was stealing from the black guy just outside the gate a lot of times. Now they won't let me in, and I'm wondering if there is a peaceful way to get in. I already...
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    FO1 The Glow: Stuck on Level 4 WITHOUT a red key...

    Hello, I just got to the level 4 of The Glow in Fallout 1, where the mainframe supercomputer is and whatnot, but I do NOT have the red key! I found the blue key and the yellow key off the corpses, but I forgot to grab the red key from the previous level 3. And the elevator on level 4 REQUIRES...