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  1. D

    fallout 2 stats problem

    first of all i hope i created this topic in the corect forum if not i apologize.... i started fallout 2 (for the 9.000th time) yesterday but i did one mistake with my stats.....i have 06 str and 08 int.i wanted to hace 09 int and 05 i can have more skill points i donwnloaded...
  2. D

    i want to translate fallout 2 intro greek

    do you know any program to edit the existing text in the game?i cant seem to find anything
  3. D

    another bug...prevents me to finish the game

    every time i go to the dock i get respawned IN the damn plane look at this shot sadly i cant go down...reloaded old save same thing anything i can do?:( sadly i cant even take a screenshot since the shot wont come out
  4. D

    help :( something REALLY bad happened to my game

    ok sincei have the RP patch i couldnt find the schorcher weapon because i couldnt talk to doctor since i finished all his quests... so i moved a certain file from the map directory to another because i wanted the schorher to spawn at vault 13(its original place)and got it that way but now in...
  5. D

    cant find the Solar Scorcher

    first of all i want to say a big thank you to the dude that made the amazing fallout 2 add on.nice work secondly i sadly cant find the Solar Scorcher .i already did all the quests for the doc and everytime i talk to him he says he doesnt need anything..i took myrion with me and talked about...