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  1. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    Yep. I'll be updating the list in a few days to account for all the new retcons people have spotted. Creetosis got quite a few, as did Enclave Emily, Arch and SyntheticMan. They'll be referenced too.
  2. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    That and if he knew this was happening, or even just a possibility, he would have gotten the Platinum Chip fast-tracked to ensure the Lucky 38 was ready to shut down the nukes, not be denied it by 20 hours and have to struggle with outages.
  3. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    Accidents happen, and the Osprey isn't perfect. As for the example I gave... This was back in the 1910's, not modern times. Different times, different standards, and it was before the timeline split, again. Not only do I think you're exaggerating, but that you're being disingenuous as well...
  4. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    That's the response I would expect from someone with no sense of pattern recognition. Moving on.
  5. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    If we were still living in the '90s and early '00s, I'd accept that. These days? No. Because these days, when you see Capitalism in a movie or show, like The Lorax or Fallout, it's always put in there to be an antagonist and allow characters to soapbox against the idea.
  6. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    I didn't include Fallout 3 because it was obvious the Enclave was just a memberberry in that. Chicago, likewise, is almost clear across the USA, not on Cali's back door. If they repopulated post-New Vegas, that's a retcon too. Fallout 4's version of The Enclave was RNG Power Armor sets and...
  7. AgentBJ09

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    There's a lot of them, and if this show is going to be canon with the games, then it only makes sense to catalogue the retcons as evidence why the show is a steaming pile. This OP will be updated as needed. ================================ A few I can recall relatively well. #1 - Vault 33...
  8. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    To get this thread back on track with the show, here's a few videos between Creetosis, DWTerminator, and Enclave Emily about the show. I think we need to get a retcon discussion going at some point too. Compile all the things people are noticing along with ourselves. How Vault 33 is near...
  9. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    If you're willing to pay for Creation Club stuff, Skyrim does have a 'gun' now. A blunderbuss essentially. Loads exactly the same way the crossbow does, though.
  10. AgentBJ09

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    I think at this point, we can conclusively prove this show was not well written. That it was slapped together by hacks and gaslit to the public as good, and people bought into it like when The Force Awakens came out.
  11. AgentBJ09

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    The easiest explanation? Because they changed the core theme of Fallout from conflict and its inevitably to haves and have-nots and anti-Capitalism in the TV show, the evil mega corporation Vault-Tec must be the bigger bad guy.
  12. AgentBJ09

    EFAP on Fallout

    It's the crew of 8 making fun of Jim Sterling's Fallout TV series video.
  13. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    And yet you started by implying maybe Tim liked the show, after several of us pointed out how the gaming industry, which he is still a part of, would cold shoulder him in a heartbeat if he said he didn't like it. That's essentially coercion, so no, no one should believe him when he says it's good.
  14. AgentBJ09

    How would you do a Fallout Show?

    I can't agree with that. There are studios that are doing fun series. Goblin Slayer comes to mind. Shangri-La and Kaiju No. 8 as well. As for being no different from the Fallout TV series, that's assuming the lead Japanese screenwriter is the same as what we got, which was the Captain Marvel...
  15. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Just because the masses like this show, that doesn't make it good. That's called "Argumentum ad Populum"/Appeal to Populism, a logical fallacy. 99.99% of them are ignorant of what Fallout is, its themes, the history of the series, or its influences. At best, they've played F4 and/or 76. Their...
  16. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    He's playing nice to not rock to boat. That's why he 'loves' it, and why he's making excuses for it. Gaming industry people don't criticize one another, they just put on a face to avoid getting backlash by 'peers', and it's obvious if you're paying attention. (He was also invited to, and...
  17. AgentBJ09

    How would you do a Fallout Show?

    If the right Japanese studio could get the Fallout rights, we could get something like this. I'd watch it, no question. Hopefully they'd set the series in Japan, give their interpretation of events before and after the Great War.
  18. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    The people taking shots at SyntheticMan are either Reddit/ResetERA types or bots. The former, if they like your content? That's a red flag, in more than one way. Most likely. Just like Fallout 4, there's so much wrong with the product that someone's going to spot something frequently.
  19. AgentBJ09

    Fallout TV Series - General News Thread

    To help combat thread spam, news that relates to the Fallout TV series should be posted here, and updated as needed.
  20. AgentBJ09

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    When folks like Mauler, Creetosis, SyntheticMan, Arch, Rags and others are accurately calling out why the show is literal garbage, as well as Brady going point by point per episode and catching the details millions are missing, willingly or otherwise, what interest is there to garner? It's an...