
  1. J

    Fallout: Hawaii (My Vision for a Worthy New Vegas Sequel)

    FALLOUT: HAWAII There are two types of content I love most online. One is development history and the other is Speculative Worldbuilding. Especially for my favorite franchises. I needed to kill an evening and so I made this! This is a concept I'd love to see for a fallout 5. Maybe it will be a...
  2. dlg

    I Generated Character Portraits For Some Fallout 1 and 2 Characters!

    Hey there, I'm new here. I've been playing Fallout for years before the modern releases. I've known of the exsistance of this website but I never joined. I decided to run some prompts through an AI art generator because I'm terrible at drawing. Here's some of the characters I generated...
  3. Vondora

    Fallout engine questions

    So, I'm trying to remake Fallout movement in another engine(Don't worry, I'll not announce some big project that will never be finished, If I ever come up with something I'll make it open source). About the hex grid and movement it's almost right, but I can't seem to find the answer to the...
  4. J

    WIP Classic Fallout Super sledge using Autodesk Maya. Will be updating. Feel free to give feedback.

    I've been working on my portfolio, and I also wanted to model Classic Fallout weapons after playing Fallout 1. So I started with Super Sledge. Might use blender for sculpting out details later
  5. Monad

    Creating Unique Items for Fallout 2 Modding

    Hello All, I've made a basic comprehensive guide for new beginners just starting on how to get personal made art into the game mapper for fallout 2. It was quite tedious starting out from scratch and figuring out how to relatively get newly made items to be both in the inventory of the ingame...
  6. Morgan_

    Graphic Novels Thread - (What have you read, what do you want to read?)

    A few I've read: Read this almost 10 years ago. This paired with Dune gave me my 2 best dreams, fittingly. Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes Art/story= 7-10/10 Really liked this a lot as a teen. Need to finish the rest one day. Saga Art/Story= 8/7.5 Speaks for itself really :p Ghost in...
  7. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 art images

    I want to make some icon from fallout2 art graphic files, like action boy image, for examples. Where do I find it? I use dat explorer to extract skilldex folder from art folder, but look at the frm files I am stumped~
  8. Morgan_

    Favorite Art, Artists, Photos, Visuals, etc.

    A few of mine below. I'll post more if the thread gets going. I remember when I stumbled across this guy and though: "He should make art...
  9. S

    Fallout 2 mod Custom FRM animation doesn't work

    Hi, guys, I followed the animation tutorial on wiki Here are the bullet points for the steps I took: - Extracted the critter FRM I was looking for from the critter.dat file (scorpion BK, the one where it gets vaporized when dying from an energy weapon) - I converted the animation I wanted to...
  10. multiplexity

    Fallout NYC

    If you're an artist or a roleplayer in general please take a look at my group on DeviantArt : FalloutNYC !!! Our group is filled with our own lore and setting as we go along, we have documents and guides to read for easier understanding! It takes place in New York 2388, 100 years after Fallout...
  11. C

    New Vegas art.

  12. Skelok

    MSPaint Drawings Thread

    Draw a character from the Fallout franchise from memory (or not) in MSpaint. I'll start us off with Robert House
  13. AlphaSlayerZX

    Drawings I fricking drew

    Here's some fricking art i've drew. I'll probably use this thread to post all of the drawings I made if any of you fricks are interested.
  14. Jacob Winslow

    I Made a Map of New California (First Post)

    Hey all, first time poster here on NMA. I've enjoyed the threads tearing Fallout 4 apart, and a friend of mine suggested I post this little thing here once I finish it. I have, so here it is. I'll try to scan it when I can. My hand drawn map of New California, with my best researched...
  15. lolpop109

    Looking for help with music and artwork

    Hi all, I am looking for anyone who can create some custom artwork for my mod, such as a nuka cola poster. This would have to be made from scratch but i'm sure theres some of you talented out there who could do it. The reason I ask this is I need jpeg pictures to create textures from ect. I am...
  16. ComeAndBlowMyMind

    Real life Vs fallout

    Post anything you see that is well very similar or looks like it is what a >insert object here< is based on. For examples.
  17. MutatedPanda

    Fallout 4 vs Concept Art (The Fallout that could have been)

    Before I say anything, I want to preface this with the fact that I know, concept art does not necessarily reflect what the final game will look like, but Fallout 4 is so varying from it's concept art, that it only furthers my suspicion that something happened in the development process that...