
  1. spacedrone808

    Fallout 2 mod Classic mod recommendation for die-hard Fallout fan

    Completed stuff: 1) Fallout 1 Fixit 2) Fallout Resurrection 1.5 3) Fallout 2 Restoration Project + bit of MiB88 Megamod 4) Fallout Nevada 5) Fallout Sonora 6) Olympus 2077 Liked them all! Is there any quality non-alpha mod left on Earth which stay unnoticed for me? Your thoughts on this.
  2. TerminallyChill

    Best/Worst Of Fallout Game Design

    What exactly makes the Fallout games good? What are their biggest flaws? Let's try our best to be as articulate as possible so that maybe one day, some aspiring game developer can learn from this thread. What makes Fallout good in my opinion: 1. A universal character building system that is...
  3. Nick Loginov

    Best mods for Fallout 1/2

    I am diehard Fallout 1/2 fan. Finished mods Fixt (Fallout 1) and Restoration Project (Fallout 2). I am satisfied with overall quality and want more. Can you advice me some more mods with the same quality? It looks like that most of available mods are quite amateurish or unfinished.. Looking...