caesar's legion

  1. TheKingofVault14

    A Collection of Kronos Production's Fan Art.

    Hey everybody, right now I just wanted to share a compilation of some really cool Fallout Fan Art made by Kronos Productions over on Twitter. Here's what I've got so far... Ave True to Caesar!: Enclave Poster: Fallout TV Show: NCR Political Cartoons/Profligate FIlled Nonsense...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Nova Arizona - A Legion Lands Expansion

    Here's an expansion mod to New Vegas that adds more Legion content. Currently in beta. Could be interesting.
  3. Sheepo

    Caesar's Legion & Homosexuality

    In New Vegas several NPCs make comments to the effect that homosexuality is not only endemic but permissible in Caesar's Legion: Major Knight: Oddly enough, Legion's a little more forgiving about... friendships. Cass: Guess you've got a Legion outlook on things. [Confirmed Bachelor speech...
  4. KingArthur

    It’s Naht a Tumoh! or Legion CoC

    So, it’s been awhile since I’ve made a proper Fallout thread, and nothing seems to bring you miserable fucking degenerates together more than hating on my favorite faction. In honor of that, I present you with my latest and arguably most mediocre thread on the Legion, in which I’ll likely be...
  5. NMLevesque

    Is Caesar's Legion more like Sparta than the 10th Legion?

    Legio X Equestris, aka the 10th Legion is apparently what Edward Sallow based his cult on, but aren't there more parallels to Sparta? For a start Sparta is a nation, not just an army. It basically has Sparta's breeding program, as well as a somewhat similar social structure (military upperclass...
  6. KingArthur

    I Admire the Purity of The Legion's Justice.

    This is going to shock you. But I side with the Legion. And I know what you're saying; "you seem so friendly, why would you do that?" Well, sport, first of all shut the fuck up when I'm talking and secondly, because the title says it all. Because with that one dialogue option in New Vegas, I...
  7. KingArthur

    Legion Territory Speculation

    I don’t know if my username, title, and profile picture have it away, but despite my personal beliefs I still feel an odd calling to the Legion. I just find them fascinating, in so many ways; in my opinion, they’re the most interesting faction in New Vegas. One of the most depressing aspects of...
  8. NMLevesque

    How laughable is Legion armor?

    Old sports equipment and if they're lucky some dinner plates and a motocross helmet, until you become a Centurion. Then you can have an unbalancing mishmash of used armor you probably just broke, and then took off a dead person. And we're supposed to think they represent some kind of brutally...
  9. CT Phipps

    Moral Conundrum: Decapitate the Legion or not?

    Hey folks, I was thinking about Fallout morality because I have no life and it occurred to me there's an interesting question in the game which is worth pondering. Basically, it's a question of Order vs. Chaos as the greater evil and whether a wicked order is worse than a complete anarchy. I...
  10. NVMPCaesar

    New Vegas Multiplayer: Groups System (UPDATED)

    You may have heard about the New Vegas Multiplayer mod being developed, right? Well since then the multiplayer has continuously developed, factions have sprung up, including Caesar’s Legion; the faction I currently lead at the moment. The largest and most popular faction on so...
  11. Ragemage

    The Legion Returning?

    So let's say that, hypothetically, Bethesda let Obsidian make a new Fallout game. Would you like to see the game set in Legion territory, such as Arizona, or maybe somewhere being encroached by the Legion like Nevada was, such as Utah? Considering Obsidian was planning to give a LOT more...