capital wasteland

  1. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland

    Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland is a total conversion mod that brings Fallout 3 onto the Fallout 4 engine and has been in development for some time. They just released a new big update so i thought it would be a good time to create a thread for the project. Judging by the update this re-creation...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Capital Wasteland - Reimagining Fallout 3

    I started thinking about Fallout 3 again and what would happen if you turned it upside down. Here's the result: ---------------- Fallout: Capital Wasteland Introduction This version of Bethesda’s Fallout 3 is called Fallout: Capital Wasteland and uses the exact same map as Fallout 3. The mod...
  3. Sn1p3r187

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    While I do know that most people give shit for the existence of Super Mutants in the Capitol Wasteland. I'm more inclined to be infuriated by the existence of Super Mutants in the Commonwealth (to which IMO was really a cheap copout more than anything and makes zero sense). I'm not so much...
  4. The Dutch Ghost

    How would you represent the Capital Wasteland and Boston Wasteland in your own campaign?

    Hello all, I am not sure if this thread belongs in the RPG sub forum or in the Fallout 4 forum as I am discussing Fallout 4 (and 3)'s settings and material here, but I think the moderators will understand that I am talking about their content in regard for the use of a traditional PnP or forum...