
  1. skurmallun

    Fallout 2 mod Spanish translation of Fallout Sonora// Traducción al español de Fallout Sonora

    Hello everyone, As the title suggests, I've been working with @OnlyALad on translating Fallout Sonora into Spanish. This is an unofficial translation of the fan-made Fallout game set in the Sonora Desert. I have been working on the translation on my own for several months, and since @OnlyALad...
  2. P

    Backup Discord, say fuck fallout 4 to let us know your in when you join

    https://discord.gg/GZasaJb Link to the backup server, important that you join so we can get the user bonuses for the main discord, say fuck fallout 4 when you clock in.
  3. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Anyone here playing Multi Theft Auto? (GTA: San Andreas multiplayer mod)

    Hello everyone. For a while now I've been playing with a friend of mine some MTA, usually on a PUBG server called GTA Battlegrounds. After a while I talked with other people that me and him knew and they play MTA too. That gave me an idea. I made a Discord yesterday where all MTA players that I...
  4. IamDaEmper0r

    Hearts of Iron 4 Fallout Mod - Old World Blues

    Recently a mod came out for HOI4 that is fallout themed. It is very good and if you like Grand Strategy and Fallout this is very good. The game uses all available sources to try and depict the western seaboard, later on the midwest and east coast will be added. It starts with Wendell Peterson...