
  1. Risewild

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang Poll

    It's time for the fourth "NMA Atomik Movie Gang" poll. The movie that gets more votes is the movie we will watch and then discuss on this thread. Anyone can vote and participate in this. Here are IMDb links for all the options, for your convenience: Mad Max (1979) Pulse (2001) The Day After...
  2. Risewild

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang: Night of the Comet (1984)

    The winner is Night of the Comet (1984) You can watch it on Youtube: You can also watch it on, or download it from the Internet Archive (it's 1.5GB size):

    Why do you guys hate f4 and 76? Here is a list of things 4 and 76 does better than 1,2 and NV.

    I just can't understand. F4 and 76 does SO MANY things better than 1 and 2 and NV. For example: - BETTER graphics - SEXIER women and sex mods (tho unlike fallout 2 they don't have the option to become a pornstar and basically fuck everyone and be married so that kinda sucks) - Weapon modding and...
  4. Risewild

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang: The New Barbarians (1983)

    The winner was: The New Barbarians (1983). Internet Archive version: Youtube version:
  5. Risewild

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang The Omega Man (1971)

    The winner is: The Omega Man (1971) You can watch it below:
  6. TheAnimeHunter

    General Energy Weapons Discussion Thread

    I feel like we barely know squat about Energy Weapons. Who made laser/plasma weapons if not the U.S. Military/Contractors? Are the energy weapons in Fallouts 1 and 2 supposed to be the same as the energy weapons in New Vegas? Why do energy weapons (in New Vegas) look so cheap? I'm not saying...
  7. Morgan_

    General Gaming News

    https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/22901092/blizzard-new-survival-game-original-universe-ip New ip announced by Blizzard. Has some nice art so hopefully they will manage to carry that over into equally good gameplay.
  8. The Dutch Ghost

    The Ashes 2063, DMW, and Afterglow gaming and Q & A thread

    This is No Mutants' Allowed thread for the Post Apocalypse themed Doom 2 single player total conversion Ashes 2063, its sequel Afterglow, and its spin off Dead Man Walking. Here you can discuss the games themselves such as the contents and the design and any post any thoughts, suggestions, or...
  9. JustAShcookius

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    Hello My name is Fred and this is my first post here. I have observed this community for many months and liked what its members had to say about lore and other things. Even more important I noticed that when someone had a disagreement, they used their brain and explained themselves clearly as to...
  10. Uber Morpth

    New Fallout Fan's First Playthrough Of Fallout 1/2

    Recently I completed my first Fallout 1 playthrough and currently on Fallout 2, I must say as both these games are from the late 90s they surprisingly hold up in the graphical and gameplay department along with the role-play elements. I'll just be listing a few noteworthy things about each game...
  11. Uber Morpth

    New Vegas in 2020

    Aside from the usual buggyness that comes with new vegas (the god awful default fov I managed to tweak via config files, loading bugs and some crashing) I been having a good time getting back into this game. So far I only done Honest Heart's and Dead Money currently on Old World Blues and I...
  12. Quartz

    For how long would pre-war stuff last?

    Hello, new here so correct me if I'm doing something wrong. I'm running a PnP campaign set on the fallout world, on 2253. Since my campaign is really open ended and the players have total freedom, economics play a big role. I figured out the prices for labour, transportation fuel and life costs...
  13. The Outsider

    Film Discussion Thread

    Recently watched a couple of films on Netflix, they're pretty good. So have anyone seen Stargate and Logan's Run? Because I found myself loving Stargate with its fascinating concepts, the story, the lore, Kurt motherfucking Russel and the cast, the music score, and the atmosphere. It's a great...
  14. ArmagdoGaming

    How Do You See The Fallout Series in 20 Years?

    Bethesda... Bethesda never changes. Making bad games, yet publishing good games. I think Bethesda pretty much ruined Fallout. Yes, Fallout 3 included. They forgot what makes the series great. The characters, story, lore, the "theme" of the game, etc. I saw the trailer of 76, felt that it the...
  15. H

    My defense of fallout 3

    Let’s start with the beginning shall we? A lot of people don’t like the intro to fallout 3 because it gives you your backstory as a 19 year old vault dweller, however I believe fallout 3s intro is great for an RPG. The backstory may be set for your character but the purpose of fallout 3s intro...
  16. CheesyBorders

    What was your favorite ending for New Reno in Fallout 2?

    Title is pretty self explanatory. What ending do you think would benefit New Reno the best, weather it be for New Reno's growth, or your own personal enjoyment? Personally, I like the "Ash Friday" ending the best, but that's probably just out of my love for mob movies.
  17. Mr muggyman 3000

    Favorite comic publisher

    I'm sick and tired of talking about politics/Fallout so I thought I would just make this simple thread about comics. My list in order. -1 vertigo. I adored vertigo as a teen and still feel love for it to this day. it's been on a decline recently, but they made some of best. comics ever back...
  18. clgolfcart

    A More Evolved Raider- Personal Project

    After working on a personal 'Fallout 5' project for some time, the inclusion of elevated raider tribes became a potential plot point. So I wanted to ask, besides a unifying force like the Legion, (or even Mr. House and the Strip Big Three) ...What would a raider society look like after it...
  19. CerberusGate

    Kingdom Hearts thread

    Since there are hints of Kingdom Hearts 3 actually coming soon with the opening of Kingdom Hearts 2.8 being released as part of the promo materials: and 1.5 & 2.5 finally being available on the PS4 in the near future: I figured that I ought to make a thread on the series here. Feel free to...
  20. Mr muggyman 3000

    Most hated cliché/trope in fiction

    i just finished watching A show on Netflix a couple of days back, I liked it at first, it had everything.good protagonist, atmosphere, cinematograph,etc. it was all good until they replaced, a interesting/complex antagonist, with a campy "I'm your evil long lost brother I want to kill you...